
【星耀十年 相伴相惜】海南航空第十次蝉联“SKYTRAX五星航空公司”荣誉!

发表于 2020-11-27 12:01:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




London, UK: HainanAirlines is awarded the prestigious 5-Star Airline rating by UK-basedinternational air transport rating organisation Skytrax for the tenthconsecutive year.


HainanAirlines has received the prestigious 5-Star Airline rating from SKYTRAX forthe tenth consecutive year. Only 10 airlines currently hold the 5-Star AirlineRating and receiving this honor for ten consecutive years is a testament to thehard work and hospitality shown by Hainan Airlines staff on a daily basis.


“We were dueto announce the 5-Star Rating for Hainan Airlines earlier in the year, but dueto COVID-19 this was put on hold for several months,” said Edward Plaisted ofSkytrax. “Since the last awarding in June 2019, we were able to conduct a lotof international and domestic standards auditing of Hainan Airlines, through toFebruary 2020. Despite the difficulties faced by the HNA Group at the start of2020, we are delighted to note that Hainan Airlines has managed to maintain itshigh quality levels across both the product and service delivered, and remainsintent to provide 5-Star standards to its customers.”


Mr Xu Jun,Chairman of Hainan Airlines said: “The year of 2020 is extraordinary to theaviation industry all around the world, and it also brings great challenges toHainan Airlines. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Hainan Airlines hasimplemented measurements of control and prevention to make sure the safety ofpassengers and crews. Hainan Airlines has also worked on protection supplytransportation and chartered flights of medical team. Hainan Airlines focuseson the passenger experience and spares no efforts to build the flagship homebase at new Terminal 2 of Haikou Meilan International Airport,integrating Hainan FTP features into the airline products. Hainan Airlines willpresent all kinds of passengers-oriented service products to improve servicequality and brand reputation, and all staff of Hainan Airlines stand fast andremain at their post responsibly with dedication, serving passengerswarm-heartedly. Hainan Airlines is confident to the recovery and resumption ofthe aviation industry.”


Whilstinternational flights are still impacted by the closure of China’s borders, thedomestic market has remained busy and during the recent October 2020 NationalDay “Golden Week” in China, Hainan Airlines was expecting to perform more than5,600 flights and carry nearly 1 million passengers.


New HNA Clublounges have been opened at Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport and mostrecently at Guangzhou Baiyun Airport, and Hainan Airlines will launch a new HNAClub when Terminal 2 at Haikou Meilan Airport opens later in 2020.


In May 2020,domestic and international operations at Beijing Capital Airport wereconsolidated into Terminal 2, and once international flights are resumed in ameaningful way this will provide a more seamless and quicker transfer processfor customers.


In July 2020,Hainan Airlines resumed the service of hot meals on domestic flights and wasthe first to re-introduce hot meals in economy class. This was followed inSeptember by the introduction of Hainan flavours in economy class hot dishes.




HainanAirlines is the fourth largest airline China, operating domestic andinternational services. The main base is Haikou Meilan International Airport,with hubs at Beijing Capital International Airport and several other majorChinese cities.


The airlinehas a fleet of over 200 aircraft, including 35 Boeing 787’s, A330 and A350’sand Boeing 737-800’s.

精益求精 匠心锤炼五星服务品质


在过去的一年,海南航空打造全新“智慧航班”,全新局域网系统为旅客提供近五万条视频资源、200张音乐专辑及海南自贸港等目的地推介,旅客可通过手机、平板电脑等多种便携电子设备一键开启系统,畅享空中商城、游戏、服务点评等多种丰富功能;升级Care More关怀系列产品,推出申请时限更加灵活、可视化的无成人陪伴儿童行程动态追踪服务。


助力抗疫 勇担中国企业社会责任



立足自贸港 打造国际五星航空品牌

在不断升级美好出行体验的同时,海南航空作为海南自贸港的主基地航空公司,在海航集团领导下,充分发挥集团产业链和资源优势,结合海口美兰机场二期建设,以旅客体验为核心,将航空产品与海南自贸港特色相结合,坚持优化现有产品、推出新的服务,全力打造海南航空特色HOME BASE旗舰基地,陆续推出个性化服务产品以满足旅客多样性需求,以五星航空的高标准实现服务及产品提升,不断提升服务品质,提高品牌美誉度,打造国际五星航空品牌,助力海南自贸港建设。









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