
福州 | 东湖万豪酒店任命驻店经理 - 高永久先生

发表于 2021-6-25 19:17:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




Fuzhou Marriott Hotel Riverside is pleased to announce the appointment of Perry Gao as Resident Manager. He will lead the operation team to create more achievements for the hotel with his rich experience in operations and excellent team management ability.


Perry Gao has been working in international hotel chain for more than 10 years. He has severed for Hilton Group, InterContinental Group, Fairmont Hotels & Resorts and former Starwood Hotels & Resorts. As General Manager, he has successfully prepared and opened the first Fairfield Hotel in Great China by Marriott International Group. Then, as the head of Opening Fairfield BU China, he successfully prepared and opened the second Fairfield Hotel in Great China by Marriott. He has also held the post of Deputy General Manager and Owner’s Representative for Fairfield Inn & Suite by Marriott South Binh Duong Vietnam/Green View Shareholding Company Vietnam, which enabled him to make more empathy decisions in operations.


Prior to his current position, Perry Gao was General Manager of Courtyard Taiyuan. The rich working experience shaped him a unique management style. He focuses on team development and effective communication and collaboration skills. He is good at using innovative thinking, always works flexibly and makes logical judgment. In the future, he will lead the operation team of Fuzhou Marriott Hotel Riverside to continuously achieve new highs with his unique operational theory and innovative consciousness.

关于酒店 About Hotel

福州东湖万豪酒店地处“数字中国”示范区 、中国侨乡福州,酒店坐落于长乐区东湖数字小镇内。作为长乐区仅有的国际品牌酒店,福州东湖万豪酒店距福州数字中国会展中心及FFC福州未来中心步行仅5分钟路程,距长乐机场仅15分钟车程。酒店凭海临风、湖光山色,是商务、会议及旅游休闲的理想之地。

Fuzhou Marriott Hotel Riverside is located in the digital China demonstration area, hometown of overseas Chinese - Fuzhou City. The Hotel is situated at the Donghu Digital Town in the Changle district. As the international brand in the Changle district, Fuzhou Marriott Hotel Riverside is only 5 minutes’ walk to the Fuzhou Digital China Convention & Exhibition Center and the Fuzhou Future Center, 15 minutes’ drive to the Changle Airport. Surrounded by the landscape of lakes, hills and the digital town, it is an ideal place for business, MICE and leisure guests.







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