

发表于 2020-12-7 08:49:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Costa Crociere S.p.A., operating as Costa Cruises , is an Italian cruise line founded in 1854 and organized as a wholly owned subsidiary of Carnival Corporation & plc since 2000. Based in Genoa, Italy, the cruise line primarily caters to the Italian cruise market, but the company's fourteen ships, which all sail under the Italian flag, provides itineraries sailing to countries globally.
Costa Crociere s.p.a.,经营名称为Costa Cruises,是一家意大利邮轮公司,成立于1854年,2000年成为嘉年华公司的全资子公司。该邮轮公司总部位于意大利热那亚,主要面向意大利邮轮市场,该公司的14艘船都在意大利船籍下,提供航行到全球各国的航线。
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Founded in 1854 by Giacomo Costa as Giacomo Costa fu Andrea, the company originally operated cargo ships, carrying olive oils and textiles. In 1924, the company was passed to the founder's sons (Federico, Eugenio and Enrico) and started commercial activities, buying the ship, Ravenna. In 1947, the name of the company was changed to Linea C.
公司成立于1854年,原名Giacomo Costa fu Andrea,最初经营货船,运送橄榄油和纺织品。1924年,公司传给了创始人的儿子(费德里科、欧根尼奥和恩里科),购买了拉文纳号船,开始了商业运营活动。1947年,公司更名为Linea C。
Commercial activities continued for one more year until 1948, with the introduction of passenger services, beginning with regular services between Italy and South America operated by the ship, Anna C. She marked the start of scheduled operations between Italy and South America after being the first ocean liner to cross the South Atlantic Ocean following World War II.
商业活动持续了一年,直到1948年,引入了客运服务,Anna C开始了从意大利和南美之间的定期航线。第二次世界大战后,她是意大利和南美之间第一个定期航班开始运营的标志。
In 1959, the company gradually transitioned into offering more pleasure holidays, with trips being offered in the Mediterranean and the Caribbean regions. Linea C proceeded to take ownership of its first purpose-built cruise ship in 1964 and went on to own 12 more ships by 1980, making the company the owner of the world's largest fleet of passenger ships. In 1986, Linea C changed its name to Costa Cruises and became a cruise-centered business.
1959年,公司的战略逐渐转向提供更多的休闲度假,提供地中海和加勒比地区的旅行。Linea C公司于1964年开始拥有其第一艘专门建造的邮轮,并在1980年拥有了12艘邮轮,成为当时世界上最大的客轮船队。1986年,Linea C更名为Costa邮轮公司,成为一家以邮轮为中心的公司。
In March 1997, Carnival Corporation and Airtours PLC purchased Costa Cruises for $300 million. At the time, Costa Cruises had been the leading European cruise line, with an estimated market share of 19%. Carnival and Airtours both acquired 50% each of the company.
1997年3月,嘉年华公司(Carnival Corporation)和Airtours PLC以3亿美元收购了歌诗达邮轮公司(Costa Cruises)。当时,歌诗达邮轮是欧洲领先的邮轮公司,估计占有19%的市场份额。嘉年华和Airtours都收购了该公司50%的股份。
As subsidiary of Carnival Corporation & plc
作为Carnival Corporation&plc的子公司
In 2000, Carnival Corporation fully acquired Costa Crociere after Carnival bought out Airtours' 50% interest in Costa for $525 million. In 2002, Carnival Corporation and P&O Princess Cruises merged to form Carnival Corporation & plc, bringing together both companies' assets under one corporation. As of 2018, Costa accounted for approximately 12% of Carnival Corporation & plc's revenue.
2000年,嘉年华公司(Carnival Corporation)以5.25亿美元收购了Airtours公司在Costa公司50%的股权,从而全面收购了Costa公司。2002年,嘉年华公司和P&O公主邮轮公司合并,成立Carnival Corporation & plc,将两家公司的资产合并为一家公司。截至2018年,Costa的收入约占嘉年华公司(Carnival Corporation & plc)总收入的12%。
In 2004, Costa Crociere purchased control of AIDA Cruises in Germany. In 2007, Carnival Corporation and Orizonia Group created Ibero Cruises in a joint venture. Ibero was absorbed into Costa Cruises in 2014.
2004年,Costa Crociere收购了德国AIDA邮轮的控股权。2007年,嘉年华公司(Carnival Corporation)和Orizonia Group合资创建了伊比利亚邮轮公司(Ibero Cruises)。2014年,Ibero被Costa Cruises收购。
In February 2018, Costa announced its partnership with football club, Juventus.
In December 2019, Costa debuted Costa Smeralda and became the second cruise line to operate a cruise ship fully powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG), after AIDA debuted AIDAnova one year earlier. 
在AIDA推出AIDAnova邮轮一年后,Costa于2019年12月推出Costa Smeralda邮轮,成为第二家拥有完全由液化天然气驱动的邮轮的公司。
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