

发表于 2020-11-21 08:38:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

济南鲁能希尔顿酒店及公寓是济南,乃至全中国首家希尔顿旗下的全服务公寓式酒店。拥有 316间配置齐全的客房与套房, 及104间设有不同功能区域的酒店式公寓,包括设施完备的厨房、独立起居室及工作区域。酒店地理位置优越,与大型国际购物 中心 领秀城贵和购物中心比邻而居,与二环南高架桥唇辅相连,仅20 分钟车程便可轻松抵达火车站和市中心。无论您是商务 出行或休闲旅游,酒店贴心周到的服务都会为您带来家一般的舒适与温馨。

The first full-service Hilton residential property in Jinan and overall, China, Hilton Jinan South Hotel & Residences offers 316 well-appointed guest rooms and 104 apartments complete with full kitchen and separate living and working areas. With direct access to Guihe Shopping Centre  Elite City and less than 20 minutes drive from the railway station and city centre via Second Ring South Road, the hotel provides a truly convenient home away from home for both short- and long-term stays.


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