

发表于 2020-5-29 21:34:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

好消息,如果你是苏格兰地区的同学,你一定要认真看了啊,如果你的房东之前不愿意退房租,现在光明正大的要求退房租咯!废话不多说, 看下面的重点!


The new Coronavirus (Scotland) (No2) Act 2020 now gives you the right to end your tenancy. 

最新新冠法案(苏格兰)(No2)Act 2020 现在赋予你终止房屋合同。



Aberdeen 阿伯丁

Dundee 邓迪 

Edinburgh 爱丁堡 

Glasgow 格拉斯哥

Inverness 因弗内斯

Perth 珀斯(英国)

Stirling 斯特灵

New! The Right to End Your Contract Early


The Coronavirus (Scotland) (No2) Act came into force on 27th May 2020.  It means that any student who is still in a contract with a provider of Purpose Built Student Accommodation or University-owned accommodation on that date can now end that contract with 7 days‘ written notice.

新冠2号法案(苏格兰)2020年5月27日开始生效,这意味着你可以即日起,7天内以书面的形式与 “私人学生公寓” 或 “大学学生公寓” 终止租房合同。


Purpose-Built Student Accommodation means commercial blocks of student accommodation of 30 or more rooms, sometimes also known as private halls. This new law does not apply to other private sector contracts such as Private Residential Tenancies

私人学生公寓是指30个房间及以上的公寓,有时候也叫Private Hall。该新法律不适用于私人住宅(私人房东的房子)。

This means that if you want to end your contract, you need to write to (or email) your accommodation provider and let them know.  This does not need to be complicated.  We have created a sample email that you can use, if you are unsure what to say.



Sample wording for ending a tenancy in Purpose Built Student Accommodation

Dear Sir/Madam,

Insert your tenancy address here

I hereby give 7 days’ notice to end my accommodation contract with you, in accordance with Schedule 1 of the Coronavirus (Scotland) (No2) Act 2020.

My contract will come to an end on (insert date 7 days from when you send the email).

[Insert any additional information, for example, what you want to do about belongings left in your room, or whether you are expecting a refund of any pre-paid rent].

I would be grateful if you would confirm receipt of this email.

Yours faithfully

Your name

Once the 7 days are over, your contract with that provider will be at an end.


The law is not retrospective (so you cannot backdate your notice).  Therefore if you do want to end your rent liability, it’s in your interest to send your notice as soon as you possibly can.


Belongings left behind


We know that many students left in a hurry and still have some belongings in their accommodation.  Please note, the new law does not say anything about what should happen to any belongings you have left behind.  You will need to make an arrangement with your accommodation provider about this if you are not able to collect your belongings before the end of the 7 day notice period.  For example, your provider might agree to store your belongings either free or for a small charge; or you could hire a packing and storage company to collect and store your belongings for you until you can collect them.  The University recommends a company called Flexistore – of course there are other storage companies out there and you might want to shop around until you find what you’re looking for.

很多学生已经离开了苏格兰,并且个人物品还留在了公寓,但是这个新法案并未对对这一块做过多的说明。所以,如果你在7天内无法收拾物品,则需要与公寓协商安排。公寓或许可以免费或收费的方式安置你的行李;或者你也可以寻找打包公司帮助你。大学推荐的是Flexistore这个公司, 你也可以自己找。

If you leave belongings behind and do nothing, your accommodation provider is allowed to dispose of them, so please don’t forget about this if you do want your things back.


I previously asked to end my contract – do I need to ask again now?


We know that a lot of students have been asking to end their contracts since March, but some providers have said no, or have ignored requests.  If you are in this situation we recommend that you contact your provider again now that the law has changed, and give the formal notice as outlined above.


You may want to ask your provider to reconsider taking your notice from the date you originally asked to end your contract, although they are not obliged to do so.


What if i have prepaid my accommodation for the entire academic year, should i get a refund?


Yes, if you have already prepaid your entire stay, you should expect to be refunded any money you have paid beyond the 7 day notice period.  (For example, if you contact your PBSA giving 7 days notice, ending on 8/6/20, then rent paid in respect of any period beyond this date should be refunded).


How does this affect new contracts?


If you enter into a contract with University Halls of Residence or a Purpose Built Student Accommodation provider after 27th May 2020, but then find you are unable to take up your place for reasons related to Coronavirus, then you will be able cancel your contract with 28 days’ notice.




If you have signed a contract before 27th May 2020, but have not yet started living in the property, then your notice period will also be 28 days.


Is this a permanent change to the law?


No. This is a short-term law, brought in because of the Coronavirus situation.  The law is scheduled to expire on 30th September 2020, or it may be extended into 2021 if the Scottish Parliament decides to.  We do not yet know if any of the provisions of this law might be made permanent in future.











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