

发表于 2021-10-29 16:08:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式





马刚先生(Mr. Baker Ma)




近日,洲际酒店集团正式任命马刚先生(Mr. Baker Ma)担任崇礼翠云山皇冠假日度假酒店以及崇礼翠云山智选假日酒店总经理一职,他将全面负责以上两家酒店管理以及运营等事务,带领酒店开启华彩篇章。





Recently, Marriott International Group officially appointed Mrs. Zhang Jun as the general manager of Courtyard by Marriott Luoyang, fully responsible for the overall operation and management of the hotel.
Mrs. Zhang Jun is a seasoned hotelier withmore than 20 years’experience in the industry. She has worked for several of international chainhotel group such as Shangri-La group, Intercontinental group. She joined Marriott group in 2009 as a FOM in Le Meridien Qingdao. Since then, she hascontinued to work there and had grown up from FOM to the Hotel Manager.
With her excellent leadership skills and rich knowledge in hotel management, she was elected asthe general manager of courtyard by Marriott Luoyang and successfully led the grand opening of the hotel in a very short time. We believe that with Mrs.Zhang Jun's rich hotel management experience and excellent team leadership, she will achieve excellent results and open the new chapter in Luoyang City.









近日,南京金奥费尔蒙酒店正式任命费和瑞(Harald Feurstein)先生为酒店总经理,全面负责南京金奥费尔蒙酒店的运营管理及商务发展工作。
费和瑞(Harald Feurstein)先生在奥地利出生并接受教育。在坚实的基础下,逾30年的职业生涯使费和瑞(Harald Feurstein)先生积累了大量的酒店运营管理和商业发展经验。此次履新,费和瑞(Harald Feurstein)先生将带领团队进一步提高酒店的市场定位,巩固南京金奥费尔蒙酒店在南京奢华酒店市场的领先地位。
费和瑞(Harald Feurstein)先生精彩的酒店职业生涯使其足迹遍布欧洲、非洲和亚洲等,在亚洲地区的中国、韩国、马来西亚、日本、越南、泰国和菲律宾等地均有任职经历。在工作之余,费和瑞(Harald Feurstein)先生崇尚健康和平衡的生活方式,对具有挑战性的运动充满热情,是一名狂热的运动员和户外运动爱好者,身体和精神上的挑战使他更加专注于自己的目标,他的敏捷领导力以及严谨自律的价值体系使他在成功之路上坚定不移。
Fairmont Nanjing is delighted to announcethe appointment of Harald Feurstein as general manager.
Harald was born and educated in Austria.With this solid background, he honed a 30-year career in the industry duringwhich he gathered deep knowledge in hotel operations and commercial development.
In his new role, Harald will lead the team to further enhance the positioning of the hotel and elevate the gest experience and in doing so, solidify Fairmont Nanjing as one of the pre-eminent Luxuryhotels in the city.
Mr. Feurstein’s hospitality career hastaken him across the world to continents such as Europe, Africa and Asia. Hispast experiences in Asia have taken him through China, Korea, Malaysia, Japan,Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines.
Aside from work, Haraldis passionate about a healthy and balanced lifestyle and is an avid athlete andoutdoor enthusiast. Challenging himself physically and mentally keeps himfocused on his goals, agile in his leadership traits, disciplined in his value system, and deeply committed to success.





InterContinental Jinan City Center is delighted to announce the appointment of Ms. Belinda Zha as the General Manager. She will be fully in charge of the operation and management of hotel.
Ms. Belinda Zha has over 20 years’ extensive experience in the hospitality industry since 1997. She previously worked at Marriott International Group from 2009. As a senior hotelier, Ms.Belinda Zha has rich experience in hotel operation and management. Prior to her current position, Belinda was the General Manager of Sheraton Jinan. Duringthat period, She has led the hotel achieve great performance, and made the new historical record of total revenue.
Ms. Belinda Zha has extraordinary leadership, perception and unique insights into Food & Beverage, Catering & Events, Sales & Marketing of hotel industry. She focuses on guest experience and hotel long-term development strategy to achieve great financia lresults and brand image. As a leader with passion and energy, Ms Belinda iscommitted to team building and career pathway of employees to build anefficient and professional team.
In her leisure time, Belinda enjoy straveling and sports. She wants to be mentally and physically healthy and energetic all the time. Belinda’s joining will certainly inject new vitality and creativity into hotel. We strongly believe that with her very richhotel experience and outstanding leadership, Belinda will lead the team toachieve higher business goals and provide guest with luxury experience and personalized service with our True Hospitality.





北京柏悦酒店 (Park Hyatt Beijing) 在欢庆十三周年生日之际,也迎来了拥有多家国际酒店品牌资深从业经历的酒店经理牟蓉女士。
牟女士拥有近20年的酒店从业经验。曾先后任职于喜达屋酒店集团、雅高集团、卓美亚洒店集团,服务过的酒店包括澳大利亚喜来登、迪拜阿拉伯塔及长沙君悦酒店等。牟女士拥有丰富的餐饮运营管理经验,就任迪拜卓美亚帆船酒店餐饮部经理期间,牟女士带领近400人的餐饮团队,为来自全球的客人提供专属独特体验,获得了客人的广泛赞许与认可。多年的国际工作履历练就了她出色的沟通能力和强大的执行力, 尤其是对餐饮服务及酒店运营管理的敏锐见解与市场洞察力。
As Park Hyatt Beijing celebrates its 13th anniversary, the hotel happily announced the appointment of Ms. Tracey Mu, whohas extensive experience in hospitality industry, as Hotel Manager.
Ms. Mu has nearly 20 years of hotel experience. She has worked for Starwood, Accor and Jumeirah hotel groups,including Sheraton Australia, Burj Al Arab in Dubai and Grand Hyatt Changsha.Ms. Mu has rich experience in catering operation and management. During hertenure as the manager of catering department of Jumeirah Burj Al Arab, she leda catering team of nearly 400 people to provide exclusive and unique experiences for guests from all over the world, which has been widely praisedand recognized by guests. Years of international working experience hasequipped her with strong communication skills and execution ability, especiallya keen insight on catering service and hotel operation management.
Prior to joining Park Hyatt Beijing, Ms. Mujoined Grand Hyatt Changsha as the Director of Operations during the criticalperiod of its development, where she led the team with her profound experiencein luxury hotel management. Years of front-line working experience inhospitality industry made her understand the importance of communication. Whilewith Grand Hyatt Changsha, Ms. Mu is committed to improving the overall team service awareness and focus on promoting and improving customer experience. Leadingsuch an efficient team, she achieved operational goals with meticulous servicequality, which has been recognized by the hotel management team and owners.
As a successful member of the hotel management team, Ms. Mu has been practicing the values of Hyatt since shejoined Hyatt Group and delivering the concept of care with practical actions.She respects employees and pays attention to eye contact when communicating with them. She infuses the team with a cheerful and positive attitude, and encourages employees to work creatively with fun.
In her journey with Park Hyatt Beijing, Ms.Mu hopes to grow with the hotel together. To join the new team with aninclusive and open thinking mode, and to provide excellent service to everyguest and partner of the hotel, committed to pursue quality, dare to go beyond,and explore the infinite possibilities in career.






Recently, Rongmin Holding Group appointedMs. Joanna Wang as the Director of Sales and Marketing of Yan 'an Marriott Complex Hotels, in charge of the marketing jobs of Yan 'an Sheraton Hotel, Yan'an Marriott Hotel, Yan 'an Fairfield Hotel and Yan 'an Conference Center.After her onboard, Ms. Joanna Wang will take on the responsibility of promotionand marketing of the 1st international brand consortium hotels in Yan 'an, and develop and establish high-end hotel customer market with the new marketing concept of high-level brand and high-level standard.
Ms. Joanna Wang has worked in Sheraton Xi'an Hotel, Sheraton Xi 'an North City Hotel and Sheraton Zibo Hotel In Shandong Province for more than ten years, and has become into an excellent director of marketing and sales for high-end brand hotels. In order to expand her career,Ms. Joanna Wang had went to work in the United States. After that, Ms. JoannaWang took the initiative to jump out of her comfort zone and joined Yonggui Hotel Ordos as the head of marketing and sales. In her first year after appointment, she achieved exceeds expected growth compared with budget. Thesales team led by Ms. Joanna Wang beat several established international and domestic brand hotels in the area and firmly occupied the market advantage.
Ms. Joanna Wang has solid business skills,as well as a tough and resolute working style, her diligent works has won the recognition from customers, excellent work performance is the best proof of herstrength. Ms. Joanna Wang is full of confidence in this new challenge of Yan'an, and hopes to make her own efforts to promote Yan 'an to more guests with amore international vision and contribute to the realization of the hotel'sgoals.






Recently, The View ChangbaiMountain-MGallery and SWISSÔTEL RESORT CHANGBAISHAN formally appointed SusanJiang as the Assist Director of Marketing and Sales to take full charge ofhotel marketing management.
Ms. Susan has been engaged in the hotelindustry for more than 10 years. She has a wealth of high-end brand hotel marketing & sales management and practical experience, as well as keenmarket insight and innovative strategic thinking. She has expanded the emerginglive stream and other sales channels to generate revenue for the hotel. She hasserved successively for internationally renowned hotel groups such as WandaResort, Hyatt and Fulong Resort. She led the team to achieve impressive performance, which greatly promoted the growth of the hotel’sroom performance, and won unanimous praise from the hotel group and partners.
This is the firsttime that Ms. Susan has joined the Accor. We believe that with her richpractical experience, excellent executive management ability, keen market insightand hospitality concept, The View Changbai Mountain-MGallery and SWISSÔTELRESORT CHANGBAISHAN will continue to ride the wind and waves, and create new achievements.





Grand Hyatt Chengdu announced the appointment of Christine Xing as Director of Operations, responsible for thedaily operation and management of Grand Hyatt Chengdu, with effect from November 1st, 2021.
Christine graduated from Northwest NormalUniversity. She started her hospitality career in 1999 and had held a few keypositions in Rooms and Human Resources prior to joining Hyatt Beijing HR Officein May 2006. In September 2009, Christine was transferred to Grand HyattBeijing as Assistant Personnel Manager and later on, advanced to Personnel Manager before returning to Beijing Support Center in late 2011. Christine wasrelocated to Qingdao with her family in March 2013 as Director of HumanResources of Hyatt Regency Qingdao where she was advanced to Area Director ofHuman Resources in August 2016. In January 2019, Christine joined Grand HyattHefei Pre-opening team in the same capacity and in July 2020, Christine joined Grand Hyatt Chengdu team and has taken her current position of Director ofHuman Resources and Area Director of Human Resources since.
“In the past over 15 years with Hyatt family, I have been given the tremendou strust, care and support from all the leaders and colleagues, I am very grateful and blessed to have this opportunity to continue my Hyatt journey and I amlooking forward to the new challenge of this role.”says Christine on her new role.
Please join us in congratulating Christine’s new appointment and wish her continued success in her new role at Grand HyattChengdu!





近日,深圳君悦酒店任命Giulioantonio Di Sabato为行政副总厨,主要负责酒店意大利餐厅「意合园」及黑珍珠一钻餐厅「悦景扒房」的厨房营运管理。
Chef Giulio出生于意大利西北部城市都灵,在这个蕴含着丰富美食文化的城市里,人们可以品尝到优质的松露、巴罗洛葡萄酒和巧克力甜品等食物。从小接受着传统意大利饮食文化熏陶,在感受美食的魅力后,Chef Giulio装载着饱满的热忱开始了其厨房职业生涯的学习与就业。在意大利酒店管理学校Istituto Alberghiero Giuseppina Colombatto获得了酒店文凭后,秉持着“生命不息,学习不止”的生活信条,工作之余他又进修深造并接受系统培训,进一步提高专业水平。
Chef Giulio笃信厨师必须要具备“优雅”“创新”“博识”“修养”这四样基本要素,这一法则也深深浸入了他的漫漫厨师生涯并不断践行着。凭借其丰富专业知识经验,配合“甄选食材,悉心呈奉”的凯悦餐饮哲学理念,本次加入深圳君悦酒店,Chef Giulio将会立足深圳本土饮食文化,把传统西餐与中式时令食材和原材料加以融合,务求给本地饕客带去耳目一新,更卓越的#与君同悦#高品质用餐体验。
Grand Hyatt Shenzhen has recently appointed Giulioantonio Di Sabato as Executive Sous Chef.  He is responsible for the culinary operation of La Terrazza and the 2021 Black Pearl Restaurant Guide one-diamond restaurant Belle-Vue Grill.
Chef Giulio was born in Turin,northwest Italy. Inspired by traditional Italian food culture as well as sophisticated sensibilities, Chef Giulio started his culinary career with agreat deal of enthusiasm. He first earned a diploma in Hospitality at Istituto Alberghiero Giuseppina Colombatto in Italy. Then, he decided to enhance hisprofessional skills by receiving further training at the University ofGastronomic Sciences. This was crucial in his career, as he developed a huge awareness about food sustainability and about the importance of biodiversity.  He was mentored by Carlin Petrini, the President of Slow Food and founder of the university where he studied.
In the past 15 years, Chef Giulio hasbeen to Canada, Italy, Denmark, Spain, Indonesia and many other countriesaround the world to work in several Michelin-starred restaurants and luxuryhotel restaurants. He later became familiar with Chinese restaurants in Shanghai and was appointed as Executive Chef in famous Western restaurant,LAGO, of Bellagio by MGM Shanghai.
As a professional chef who sets highstandards for himself, Chef Giulio has always believed in culinary fundamentals such as elegance, culture, knowledge and creativity. He has been deeply immersed in this golden rule throughout his long career, and it is something heconstantly practices. With his rich professional knowledge and experience, inconjunction with the philosophy of "Thoughtfully sourced, carefully served," Chef Giulio is especially focused on dishes combining local Chinese ingredients and using Western culinary techniques, which is seen tobring a distinct and captivating dining experience to local diners and loversof Western gourmet cuisine in town. At the same time, La Terrazza will besourcing the best produce and providing an authentic Italian dining experience with a flair.
Inaddition, Chef Giulio is expected to lead the hotel culinary team to a newlevel of professionalism and indulge guests with a refined high-quality dining experience of #LivingGrand.


















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