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Limassol is Cyprus' principal (largest) seaport, located on Akrotiri Bay, between Pahos and Larnaca. The port handles over 90% of all visiting Cyprus Island cruise ship tourists. Port's cruising season runs February through December. Greek is the official language, English and Turkish are widely spoken. Next photo is of the Old Port (Limassol Marina).

利马索尔是塞浦路斯的主要(最大)海港,位于帕霍斯和拉纳卡之间的阿克罗蒂里湾。该港口接待了超过 90% 的塞浦路斯岛游轮游客。港口的巡航季节从 2 月持续到 12 月。希腊语是官方语言,英语和土耳其语被广泛使用。下一张照片是旧港口(利马索尔码头)。

The 1956-opened Limassol Old Port was used as the island's principal seaport until 1973. Currently, it is used by leisure boats, yachts, fishing boats and coast guard vessels. In 2010, the Old Port was officially closed and renamed "Limassol Marina".

1956 年开放的利马索尔老港一直被用作岛上的主要海港,直到 1973 年。目前,它被休闲船、游艇、渔船和海岸警卫队船只使用。2010年,旧港正式关闭,更名为“利马索尔码头”。

The original Greek name of Limassol is Lemesos. The country's capital city is Nicosia (aka Lefkosia). The city is located less than 30 min drive from the archaeological sites Limassol Castle (near the city's old harbor), Kourion (Curium, ancient city-state) and Kolossi Castle (former Crusader fortress). From Limassol depart popular mountain tours.

利马索尔的原始希腊名字是Lemesos。该国的首都是尼科西亚(又名莱夫科西亚)。这座城市距离考古遗址利马索尔城堡(靠近城市的旧海港)、库里昂(Curium,古代城邦)和科洛西城堡(前十字军堡垒)不到 30 分钟车程。从利马索尔出发,参加热门的山地之旅。

The city is approx 50 km / 30 mi  (1-hour drive) from the UNESCO site Paphos Archaeological Park - well-known worldwide for its ancient ruins. The most significant are the Roman villas, the houses of Dionysos, Orpheus, Aion and Theseus (all with perfectly preserved mosaic floors), the necropolis (Tombs of the Kings), the amphitheater.

这座城市距离联合国教科文组织遗址帕福斯考古公园约 50 公里/30 英里(1 小时车程),帕福斯考古公园以其古代遗址而闻名于世。最重要的是罗马别墅、狄俄尼索斯、俄耳甫斯、永恒之塔和忒修斯的房子(都保存完好的马赛克地板),墓地(国王陵墓),圆形剧场。


Port Limassol

Lemesos port's construction (1971-1973) started with the turning basin which has radius 500 m (1640 ft) and draft 12 m (39 ft). The port has 2 quays (total length 880 m / 2887 ft) - north quay (430 m) and western quay (450 m) with max draft 11 m (36 ft). The port has a covered storage facility (Warehouse 2, sized 6080 m2) and a gantry rail crane (Luffing Crane, max lifting power 35 tons) on the western quay.

莱梅索斯港的建设(1971-1973)始于半径500米(1640英尺)和吃水12米(39英尺)的转弯盆地。港口有2个码头(总长880米/2887英尺)-北码头(430米)和西码头(450米) ,最大吃水11米(36英尺)。港口有一个有盖仓库(2号仓库,面积6080平方米)和一个门式轨道起重机(变幅起重机,最大起重功率35吨)在西部码头。

Lemesos Port (Limassol) started operations in 1974, following the Famagusta Port's occupation by Turkey. Famagusta used to handle around 83% of the island's total cargo. Port Lemesos provides vessel services, cargo loading / unloading and also serves Cyprus' passenger shipping traffic. Port's water area is sized 1 km2, and its land area is 1,3 km2.

在法马古斯塔港被土耳其占领后,莱梅索斯港(limassol)于1974年开始运营。法马古斯塔曾经处理过该岛货物总量的83% 左右。莱梅索斯港提供船只服务、货物装卸,也为塞浦路斯的客运航运服务。港口水域面积1平方公里,陆地面积1.3平方公里。

Port's expansion (1980-1982) added the eastern quay (length 480 m, draft 11 m). In 1984 here were installed 2 Panamax gantry cranes serving container ships. Later was extended the western quay (to the south) to provide service to ferries (Ro-Pax ships). Then was built the southern quay (length 300 m) and all other marine areas were dredged tomax draft 14 m (46 ft).


The port has 5 mooring posts and dolphins for vessels with max draft 10,5 m requiring mooring for repairs, decommissioning or impounding. Currently, the total length of a  quays is 2070 m (6790 ft):

港口设有5个系泊柱,最大吃水10.5米的船只可用海豚系泊,以便进行修理、解除运作或扣押。目前,一个码头的总长度为2070米(6790英尺) :

· Northern quay has length 430 m, max draft 11 m

· Western quay has length 770 m (450 + 320), max draft (13-16 m) has a 50 m ramp serving Ro-Pax ships

· Eastern quay has length 480 m, max draft 11 m

· Southern quay has length 300 m, max draft 16 m

· The port has all 5 covered warehouses (total area 39760 m2) - Warehouse 1 (7200 m2), Warehouse 2 (6080 m2), Warehouse 3 (10000 m2), Warehouse 4 (10080 m2) and Warehouse 5 (6400 m2)

· Part of Warehouse 2 is assigned to the UK Navy (serving their cargo traffic) while the remainder (Republic Bonded Warehouse) serves Customs and Excise Department

· The port has open storage cargo spaces  (157000 m2), stacking areas for TEUs / containers (344400 m2), 299

· A dedicated passenger terminal serves ferry and cruise passengers. It was opened in 2015 and covers a total area of 6800 m2

· power supply points (for reefers / refrigerated containers), as well as Customs Office, Workshop (shiprepairs), Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism Offices

· Port's Oil and Gas logistics zone has a 430 m (1410 ft) long berth and is currently supports ENI (Total)’s and Exxon Mobile's Cyprus offshore drilling projects

· 北码头长度 430 m,最大吃水 11 m

· 西部码头长770米(450+320),最大吃水深度(13-16米),有一个50米的坡道,为滚装船服务

· 东部码头长480 m,最大吃水深度11 m

· 南部码头长300 m,最大吃水深度16 m

· 港口拥有所有5个有盖仓库(总面积39760 m2)-仓库1(7200 m2)、仓库2(6080 m2)、仓库3(10000 m2)、仓库4(10080 m2)和仓库5(6400 m2)

· 仓库2的一部分分配给英国海军(为其货运服务),其余部分(共和国保税仓库)为海关和消费税部门服务

· 港口拥有开放式存储货舱(157000 m2),标准箱/集装箱堆放区(344400 m2),299

· 供电点(冷藏箱/冷藏集装箱)以及海关、车间(修船)、商务部、工业部和旅游局。

· 专用客运码头为渡轮和邮轮乘客提供服务。2015年开业,总面积6800平方米

· 港口的油气物流区拥有430米(1410英尺)长的泊位,目前正在支持埃尼集团(Total)和埃克森美孚(ExxonMobile)的塞浦路斯海上钻井项目

In April 2016, DP World Limassol (part of the Dubai-based corporation DP World) was awarded a 25-year terminal concession (until 2041) to operate the container terminal exclusively. DP World's subsidiary P&O Maritime was additionally awarded a 15-year port concession (till 2031) to provide full-range marine services exclusively. The list of DP World-managed activities comprises 3 multi-purpose quays (serving break-bulk, general cargo and Ro-Pax ships (ferries and cruise vessels), also oil and gas tankers) plus the new passenger terminal.

2016年4月,DP World Limassol(迪拜DP World公司的一部分)获得了为期25年的码头特许权(至2041年),专门经营集装箱码头。DP World的子公司P&O Maritime还获得了15年的港口特许权(至2031年),专门提供全方位的海上服务。DP World管理的活动清单包括3个多用途码头(为散货船、杂货船和滚装船(渡轮和游轮)以及油气油轮)和新的客运码头。

The 2017-opened DP World Limassol cruise terminal (sized 6970 m2 / 75000 ft2) has a large dock (East Berth) with length 480 m (1575 ft) and depth 11 m (336 ft) which allows berthing for the world's biggest passenger ships.

2017年开放的DP世界利马索尔邮轮码头(尺寸6970 m2/75000 ft2)有一个大型码头(东泊位),长480 m(1575 ft),深11 m(336 ft),可供世界上最大的客轮停泊。

In 2019, Port Limassol handled a total of 93 cruise ship calls (40% increase over 2018) and ~125,000 tourists. In 2018, the cruise port received nearly 57,000 travelers, in 2017 - around 74,000.





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