
HuZ School | Diverse German Golf Activity 百变德语高尔夫活

发表于 2020-10-30 16:23:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
HuZ School | Diverse German Golf Activity 百变德语高尔夫活动

In order to enrich the students' after-school life, show the good spirit and vitality of teachers and students of the school, HuZ School organized an activity which called Diverse German Golf—with Shenyang Tongying Golf Youth Club. Students, parents,  teachers and golf coaches all actively participated and enjoyed it. 

为了丰富学生们的课余生活,展现全校师生良好的精神风貌和充满斗志的活力。HuZ School与沈阳通盈高尔夫青少年俱乐部组织了一场百变德语高尔夫,轻松玩转地球人的活动。学生们、家长们、老师们高尔夫教练们,大家都积极参与,享受其中。

Ice-breaking game—Big tree and squirrel


▲Teachers presented awards to Students


Teachers talked about the origin of German golf and its position in the world


Golf has been deeply loved since it was introduced to Germany and has become one of the top ten sports in Germany and one of the top ten golfing countries in the world. Many large-scale golf tournaments have been held in Germany and many well-known professional players such as Martin Kaymer were introduced to the world. Frankfurt Golf Club (Frankfurter Golfclub) was established in 1913. For a long time, it has been the gold standard of German golf and has hosted German open tournaments for many times.

高尔夫运动自传入德国以来便深受喜爱,成为德国十大运动之一,也是世界上十大高尔夫国家之一。在德国举办了很多大型高尔夫赛事,并诞生了很多在全世界知名的职业球员,如Martin Kaymer。法兰克福高尔夫俱乐部(Frankfurter  Golfclub),成立于1913年,长期以来是德国高尔夫的黄金标准,多次举办德国公开赛。

Teachers and golf coach introduced clubs to Students and taught them the English word


Monster passing through game


The teachers were divided into 2 groups and acted as the guard monsters. The team members were divided into 2 groups and passed through the levels successively as the passing through monsters. Each level had 3 words, and each person had a time limit of 1 minute. When the time was up, they had to move to the next level. At the end of the game, the points were counted and awards were presented.


▲Teachers presented awards to Students


Students played a swing game with teachers


Students and teachers use clubs in a strike distance competition. Each one struck for 5 times. Then the male teachers took the worst scores minus 20 yards, and the female teachers took the best scores minus 10 yards to compare with the best scores of the Students. Finally, prizes were awarded to the Students who successfully challenged the foreign teachers. 


Golf culture entered HuZ School and was deeply loved by students. The school hopes that by holding this activity, stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning and carry forward their personal expertise, promote the comprehensive and healthy development of students.

高尔夫文化走进HuZ School,深受学生们的喜爱。学校希望通过举办此次活动,激发学生们对学习的热情,弘扬个性特长,促进学生们全面健康地发展。


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