
高尔夫目的地荟萃Golf Destination|泰国

发表于 2020-11-5 12:27:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


泰国旧名暹罗,1949年5月把“暹罗”改为“泰”。泰国是东南亚和中国具有血缘关系的国家之一,18世纪泰国的华裔民族英雄是中国广东潮汕人郑信,他复国有功,开创吞武里王朝,统一暹罗,奠定现代泰国的基本版图,尊为泰皇五大帝之首。泰国政府规定每年12月28日即登基之日为泰国“郑皇节”。 泰国华侨华人约有900万,占全国人口的14%,祖籍潮汕的泰国华侨华人约有800多万。有华人血统的泰国人约有两千多万,约为该国总人口的三分之一。




SIAM C.C. (OLD) Pattaya, Thailand

设计师:Ichisuke Izumi  Lee Schmidt, Brian             Curley

7162码,标准杆72  7,162 yards, par 72 

暹罗乡村俱乐部最初由日本建筑师Izsuke Izumi设计,1970年开业时只是该国的排名第二的球场。它是在所谓的芭堤雅沙漠上建造的,Izumi配制了一种特殊的堆肥,将无菌沙子变成土壤以便生长草。早期,暹罗以其轮廓鲜明的果岭和柔和的沙坑而闻名。2006年,美国人Lee Schmidt和Brian Curley对所有事物进行了改建,通过增加水障碍和重新布置果岭,将平行洞变成弯曲的球道,同时仍然保留了那些传奇的暹罗起伏推杆的表面。

Originally designed by Japanese architect Ichisuke Izumi, Siam Country Club was just the country's second course when it opened in 1970. It was built on what was called the Pattaya desert, and Izumi concocted a special compost to turn sterile sand into soil in order to grow grass. Early on, Siam was known for its dramatically contoured greens and its gentle bunkering. In 2006, Americans Lee Schmidt and Brian Curley remodeled everything, changing parallel holes into curving fairways by adding ponds and relocating greens, while still preserving those legendary Siam undulating putting surfaces.



设计师:Peter Thomson, Ross Perrett, Tim                Lobb

7626码,标准杆72 7,626 yards, par 72 

首先,对于澳大利亚建筑师Ross Perrett和Tim Lobb来说,Ayodhya Links的球场布局看起来并不理想。曼谷附近是一片平坦无树的沼泽。为了在这样的物业上建造一个冠军级别的高尔夫球场,建筑师不得不排干沼泽。他们这样做是通过挖掘运河和水障碍。这样就为梯台,球道和果岭塞满了填充物,它们被塑造成无休止的高低起伏与连绵不绝。因此,可以说,它是类似连接在一起的,尽管是人造的,并且距离海洋很远。如今,Ayodhya的每个洞,前九洞和后九洞的泻湖,大湖沿岸的第九和第十八洞都有水障碍。跨过同一个湖的是标准杆3杆的第12号洞的果岭。估计种植了10,000棵树来增添美景,虽然这个私人俱乐部的草坪条件被认为是富裕的,但该球场已成为Audubon合作保护区计划的成员,因此必须使用可持续的方法和更少的化学物质种植草坪。

The site of Ayodhya Links didn’t look promising to Australian architects Ross Perrett and Tim Lobb at first. It was a flat, treeless marsh near Bangkok. To build a championship-caliber golf course on such property, the architects had to drain the swamp. They did so by excavating canals and ponds. This generated fill for tees, fairways and greens, which they shaped into endless humps and rolls. So, arguably, it’s links-like, although manmade and far from an ocean. Today, Ayodhya has water in play on every hole, lagoons throughout the front and back nines, with the ninth and 18th along the shoreline of a large lake. Across the same lake is the island green of the par-3 12th. An estimated 10,000 trees were planted to add beauty and while the turf conditions at this exclusive private club are considered opulent, the course boasts membership in the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program, so it must be growing turf with sustainable methods and fewer chemicals.


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