奢华健康理念 主打疗愈唤活 繁华城市中的解压空间
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【套餐内容】 单人浴资票,浴资券包含项目 特惠专享:哈根达斯畅吃
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PART/1 藏身上海阿纳迪酒店的自然秘境
步履匆匆下放松身心的秘密 世外桃源般的静逸感 来一次就爱上的地界,秉承精致美学理念 健康生活,升华喜悦 远离城市喧嚣,选择一处静谧之地 感受平静带来的由内而外的力量
处处萦绕着悠扬舒缓的音乐 以原木、森林、自然为基调的设计感 打造魔都无二的酒店内的奢华私汤! 时长收获好评,引来纷纷驻足打卡 随手一发的pyq都展示着格调感 放松身心的慰藉之旅从这里开始
▲ 工坊课程:瑜伽、颂钵音疗和呼吸冥想,身处酒店后花园、网红中庭或安静空间内,放慢自己,与身体来场潜入交流。
喜马拉雅岩屋 HIMALAYAN SALT CAVE As well as being a natural antibacterial, salt levels affect our cell activity, energy and blood sugar levels. In our Himalayan Salt Cave, ionized air stabilizes your body, helping to restore inner balance by improving the efficiency of cell metabolism and energy production. A 30-45-minute session can also reduce inflammation of the lungs and improve respiratory conditions.
玉石玛瑙屋 JADE & AGATE The combination of heat and Jade & Agate compresses creates a therapeutic environment for body and soul which stimulates the body’s limbic system, responsible for influencing our moods, therefore calming our mind and body. And help to restore inner balance by improving the efficiency of cell metabolism and energy production. 人参灵芝屋 GINSENG & GANODERMA The combination of heat and ginseng and ganoderma compresses creates a therapeutic environment for body and soul. The dried ginseng and ganoderma of the compress produce a fragrance which stimulates the body’s limbic system, responsible for influencing our moods, therefore calming our mind and body. And help to restore inner balance by improving the efficiency of cell metabolism and energy production. A 30-45-minute session can also reduce inflammation of the lungs and improve respiratory conditions. 舒压池 HYDROTHERAPY AQUATONIC POOL Take a gentle swim and enjoy a wide range of aquatonic jets, targeting different areas of your body at varying pressures. The water massages your limbs to reduce tension, support detox, and unwind the body and mind. 沙漠蒸汽浴 DRY STEAM SAUNA The steam opens the pores, cleanses the body of toxins and improves the tone and texture of the skin. It also helps to clean the respiratory system, clearing the nasal passage and throat, therefore aiding breathing problems. ▲ 来源上海阿纳迪酒店公众号
体验式淋浴 TROPICAL SHOWER Ensure you alternate your thermal experiences with intermittent rinsing o of toxins released through the detoxification processes. This will ensure that at each stage you start afresh and maximize the effectiveness of the treatment. ▲ 来源上海阿纳迪酒店公众号
整个人都不自觉的放松下来~ 让身体的每一处肌肤都得到 滋养各种不同功效的汤泉 你想怎么泡就怎么泡 在这里,放松才是关键!
舒缓疲惫的同时,也有助于强身健体 对于睡眠不好的小伙伴而言更要多泡温泉 全身浸入其中的瞬间 浑身酥麻、仿佛瞬间被打通任督二脉 泡了一会儿,明显感觉身心放松了 水润、舒缓的汤泉水
过滤芜杂的情绪 带走大半的疲惫与不适 放下手机,静静享受这一刻~
为了各位泡汤达人能够更自由舒心 水果、饮料畅享畅吃! 多款时令水果、随处可见的大品牌饮料 哈根达斯冰淇淋畅吃......
清新亮丽的装修中搭配古色古香的装饰点缀 优雅静谧中不失内涵格调、韵味十足
/////// HEALING TOUCH·衡悦心舍 门店名称 HEALING TOUCH·衡悦心舍 门店地址 上海市闵行区临虹路5号、7号 门店电话 13052046910 营业时间 周一至周日10:00-24:00 实时了解更多高端活动信息↓ 旅行|酒店|房券 自助餐|高端好物
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