

发表于 2023-7-11 18:59:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

每周二与酒店高参相约酒店高层任命,不见不散!酒店高参投稿邮箱:hotel@hoteln.cn,任命讯息加编辑微信号:18126469848  可申请加入酒店高参传讯联盟。



Urban Resort Concepts (URC) 酒店管理集团旗下备受赞誉的璞麗酒店任命马嘉力(Magali Navarro)女士为酒店总经理。
马嘉力女士具有超过20年的奢华酒店从业经验,她在欧洲、新加坡、日本及中国地区都曾担任重要管理职位。拥有星级米其林餐厅和奢华酒店经历的马嘉力女士带来了丰富的经验以及独特的管理视角,将帮助璞麗酒店提升到新的高度。马嘉力女士曾在上海浦东香格里拉酒店和上海浦东丽思卡尔顿酒店担任重要领导职务,带领过翡翠36餐厅入选亚太最佳50名餐厅以及金轩中餐厅斩获该餐厅首颗米其林星。在她的领导下,该两家酒店获得过诸多荣誉,其中包括在“Condé Nast Traveler” 所颁布的2018年全球最佳酒店中获得12名,以及中国区最佳酒店等杰出荣誉。2017年,马嘉力女士荣获万豪国际酒店集团所评选的“年度亚太地区餐饮领袖”荣誉。
在日本大阪W酒店担任酒店驻店经理一段时间后,马嘉力女士回到了上海,成为了上海新天地朗廷酒店的酒店驻店经理,并且带领新天地朗廷酒店获得了多项荣誉,其中包括猫途鹰所评选的世界25佳奢华酒店,中国区奢华酒店第一名的荣誉,2021年荣获中国区最佳酒店第4名的傲人成绩以及“Condé Nast Traveler”所颁布的世界最佳50酒店之一。
金茂深圳JW万豪酒店于2023年7月任命CHRISTOPH KAMIETH柯明先生为酒店总经理。 
Mr. CHRISTOPH KAMIETH has recently been appointed as General Manager of JW Marriott Hotel Shenzhen in July 2023.
Mr. Kamieth joined Marriott International in 2004 starting his career in the fine dining restaurant at The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin in his home country, Germany. Following his desire of exploring Asia, he continued his career in China taking on positions as Director of Restaurants at The Portman Ritz-Carlton, Shanghai and was member of the opening team at The Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong in the role of Director of Banquets and Assistant Director of F&B respectively. He was then promoted to EAM F&B for the opening of The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu, followed by his next assignment as EAM F&B at The Ritz-Carlton, Sanya. His next project within Marriott International was the opening of The Ritz-Carlton, Haikou as Director of Operations and Hotel Manager, setting up the first Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort in China for success. In 2018, The first time to be appointed as General Manager at The Azure Qiantang, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Hangzhou, Mr. Kamieth started a new journey on his career and brought his passion and luxury hospitality experience to this energetic city, Hangzhou.
As true Ritz-Carlton Gentleman and experienced expert in luxury hotel openings and hotel operations for Marriott International, Christoph takes great pride in his team and has developed many Ladies & Gentlemen for the company who continuously grow their careers within the company. In his free time, Christoph enjoys exploring local culture, looking for unique Food & Beverage trends and he is also an avid drummer.
With first time to join in JW Marriott brand, Mr. CHRISTOPH KAMIETH expects to elevate the overall Food and Beverage experience and to lead the team with his solid experience in people management and luxury hotel operations through personalized and memorable guest experiences at JW Marriott Hotel Shenzhen to deliver the brand vision to be “The Whole You”.

近日,万豪国际集团任命田伟明先生 (Mr. Wesley Tian) 担任包头茂业万豪酒店总经理一职,将全面负责酒店的整体运营和战略发展工作,致力于将酒店打造为包头酒店市场的引领者,提供卓越的服务、餐饮和住宿体验。



Marriott International recently announced the appointment of Mr. Wesley Tian as the General Manager of Baotou Marriott Hotel who is taking responsibility of the hotel’s commercial and strategic positioning. Continuously aims the hotel to be the market leader in Baotou, providing exceptional hospitality, superior dining and accommodation experiences.

Mr. Tian ventured into the hospitality industry in 2002, and has accumulated rich experience in hotel operations and management over the past 21 years in different international hotels, such as IHG® Hotels and Resorts, Marriott International and Hilton Hotels & Resorts. Starting from Tianjin, he successively held key positions in international brand hotels in Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan and Nanjing, accumulating rich work experience in overall operation and achieving remarkable results. 

Mr. Tian attaches great importance to hotel associates and teamwork. With his keen marketing insight, excellent leadership and creative mindset, Mr. Tian will lead a professional team to build a new landmark of Baotou Marriott Hotel.



毗邻杨浦大桥,坐落于上海浦东大道的上海浦东滨江喜来登酒店正式焕新开业。自酒店签约万豪集团旗下喜来登品牌焕新筹备之初,戴文骏先生(Mr. Gavin Dai)已被任命成为上海浦东滨江喜来登酒店总经理。在此,借酒店焕新开业之机,发布其新任命。
Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Riverside, adjacent to Yangpu Bridge and located on Pudong Avenue, Shanghai, officially opened. Mr. Gavin Dai has been appointed as the General Manager of Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Riverside since the hotel signed a contract with the Marriott Group's Sheraton brand for renewal. Here, taking advantage of the hotel's new opening, we announce his new appointment.
Mr. Gavin Dai is a passionate hotel operator who has the courage to accept challenges, rich industry experience, and keen market insight. He has over 20 years of work experience in internationally renowned hotel groups. Before general manager, Mr. Gavin Dai held positions such as Director of Marketing and Sales, Deputy Manager of Hotel Administration, and achieved outstanding performance in several well-known brand hotels such as Intercontinental, Hilton, and Starwood. In the future challenges, Mr. Gavin Dai will rely on his unique personal leadership charm, rich experience and insights in hotel operations, and strict requirements for delicate service operations to lead the Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Riverside to continuously pursue excellence and create great results in improving guest service and innovating hotel products.
In his spare time, Mr. Gavin Dai enjoys sports, fitness, Buddhism, and football. Enjoy traveling, exploring new places, and experiencing different cultures.






IHG has recently announced the appointment of Mr. Steven Zhang as General Manager of Crowne Plaza Hangzhou Science City.

Mr. Steven Zhang was served as important position in international renowned hotel groups such as IHG, Wyndham, Hilton in past years. His years of experience in F&B operations and Sales & Marketing had given him extensive experience in hotel operations and excellent leadership skills. He is not only focusing on providing guests with warm care and exceptional service, but also insists on innovation and diversification of hotel products to meet the ever-changing market demand. In addition, Mr. Steven Zhang focuses on talent development and team building, implementing the people-oriented team development philosophy.

Prior to this assignment, Mr. Steven Zhang was general manager of DoubleTree by Hilton Ningbo Beilun & DoubleTree by Hilton Ningbo Chunxiao.  With his keen marketing insight, excellent leadership and creative mindset, Mr. Steven Zhang will lead the hotel team to forge ahead and author a new era of excellence.

Mr. Tong Bin officially joined China Tourism Hotel Group in May 2013, and has been awarded the "Excellent Professional Manager" by Shandong Hotel Association in 2015, Excellent Staff of (HK) CTS Hotels in 2015, Boao Government Affairs Reception Outstanding Contribution Award, in 2017 won the (HK) CTS Hotels JINYAOKE, Received CHA General Manager Certification from the American Hotel Association in 2019, and in 2022, he was awarded the "Beijing Advanced Individual of the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games".
On behalf of China Tourism Group, Mr. Tong Bin participated in and took charge of the important reception work such as the Boao Forum for Asia for five times. In addition, he has undertaken the service guarantee work for many important events such as staying with major party and state leaders, meeting with foreign heads of state and dignitaries, holding state banquets, and meeting with Chinese and foreign entrepreneurs.





履新之际,蔡立威先生将以其非凡的领导力为团队注入全新的发展活力, 并为入住三亚海棠湾天房洲际度假酒店的宾客带来全新的体验。“能担任此职位并迎接新的挑战我感到非常荣幸,期待与团队一起不断前进,通过为宾客提供细致入微的服务,传递洲际酒店集团真正的待客之道。” 蔡立威先生说道。

InterContinental Sanya Haitang Bay Resort has recently announced that Mr. Barry Cai has been promoted from Director of Sales & Marketing to Executive Assistant Manager of the resort. In his new role, he will oversee the Sales & Marketing department and overall operation of the frontline departments, including Rooms, Engineering and Security, as an assistance to General Manager Ms. Beatrice Wang.

Mr. Barry Cai has 21 years of experience in hospitality industry. During his tenure as Director of Sales & Marketing at InterContinental Sanya Haitang Bay Resort, he led the team to improve resort brand awareness and revenue by strategy innovation and market exploration.

Mr. Barry Cai will bring a brand new experience to the guests of InterContinental Sanya Haitang Bay Resort through his talent leadership and his professional management ability. “I’m very honored to take this position.” said Mr. Barry Cai, “I look forward to working with the team in consistently providing exceptional service and deliver true hospitality to our domestic and foreign customers.”

海口威斯汀酒店最新任命朱剑玲(Molly Zhu)女士担任市场销售总监一职。朱剑玲女士拥有超过25年的品牌酒店工作经验,曾服务于万豪国际集团旗下的多家度假型及商务型酒店,包括豪华精选、JW万豪、艾美、万豪、威斯汀、喜来登及福朋喜来登品牌。
The Westin Haikou has recently announced the appointment of Ms. Molly Zhu as Director of Sales & Marketing. Ms. Zhu has more than 25 years of experience working in the hospitality industry, and has served in various resort and business hotels owned by Marriott International, including Luxury Collection, JW Marriott, Le Meridien, Marriott, Westin, Sheraton and Four Points by Sheraton.
As an experienced leader, Ms. Zhu has not only been deeply engaged in the Hainan market for many years and accumulated extensive customer resources, but also has unique insights and remarkable achievements in marketing strategy and sales management. In her new chapter, she will develop a detailed sales and marketing strategy for The Westin Haikou to make the hotel to be the best choice for business and leisure travelers.
"We are very excited that Molly has joined this dynamic team, bringing a creative inspiration for the future development of the hotel, setting higher standard for the team to achieve more missions. I am so confident that Molly will lead the team to new heights of success with her pragmatic spirit." said Mr. Clint Lu, General Manager of The Westin Haikou.
Ms. Zhu enjoys jogging in nature or go on an in-depth city tour in her spare time, she believes that this not only allows her to meet challenges with energy, but also allows to live and work with passion. Her lifestyle is also in line with the Westin brand's philosophy of “preserving wellness in travel.

近日,合肥栢景朗廷酒店正式任命尉予明先生(Mr. Daniel Wei)为酒店餐饮总监,全面负责餐饮部门的运营及管理工作。



Recently, the Langham, Hefei appointed Mr. Daniel Wei as the Director of Food and Beverage, responsible for the overall operation and management of the food and beverage department.

Daniel Wei entered the hotel industry in 1994 and has nearly 30 years of experience. He has worked in Hilton, Kempinski, Wanda, Intercontinental, Accor and etc. brands, covering Anhui, Guizhou, Shenzhen, Hainan, Yunnan, Jiangsu and other places, and has in-depth research on different food culture. Prior to joining the Langham, Hefei, he served as the Director of Food and Beverage of Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Wuhu. With years of working experience in the hotel, he pays attention to the transmission of service concept and culture in daily work, pays attention to service details and guest experience, and takes innovative measures to comprehensively improve the reputation and satisfaction of the restaurant, thus bringing excess profits.

With his wealth of experience, Daniel Wei will inject new vitality into the hotel and lead the team to explore innovation and create more achievements in the Langham, Hefei.


Mr. Matthew James Piercy

近日,深圳君悦酒店正式任命Matthew James Piercy为行政总厨,全面负责酒店厨房事务的日常运营及管理工作。

Matthew出生于加拿大,他自幼便喜欢与祖母呆在厨房一同料理,也正是这段成长经历让他察觉了自己对烹饪料理的热爱,自此与“烹饪”结下了不解之缘。自2005年完成了在魁北克蒙特利尔St. Puis烹饪学院的研究课业后,他的厨房工作生涯便正式“启航”。入行以来二十多年间,怀着对美食烹饪行业的热忱与对世界各地饮食文化的好奇,他飘洋过海辗转于五大洲,足迹遍布加拿大、阿拉伯联合酋长国、南非、沙特阿拉伯、匈牙利、中国与埃及7个国家的多个城市,并任职于当地知名餐厅及奢华酒店,积累了丰富的餐饮烹饪及运营管理经验。

Matthew 第一次与中国结缘始于2018年11月,当时他作为西安丽思卡尔顿酒店筹备开业工作的一员,担任行政总厨一职,负责全面统筹规划酒店厨房大小事务,期间其展现出来的杰出领导力与别出心裁、因地制宜的创新烹饪理念不仅获得了当时酒店领导团队的一致肯定,也在业界得到广泛认可。而后他又通过集团内部转调至珠海,担任珠海瑞吉酒店和珠海华发喜来登酒店综合体厨艺总监,对中国对南北方地区食客的饮食习惯及餐饮市场也有了深入了解。



Recently, Grand Hyatt Shenzhen appointed Matthew James Piercy as the Executive Chef, responsible for the overall daily operations and strategic leadership for the hotel culinary brigade.

Chef Matthew, originally from Canada, found a passion for cuisine at a young age while cooking with his grandmother. Having completed his culinary degree at St. Puis Culinary Institute in Montreal, Quebec and for the last 20-plus years, Chef Matthew has been driven by his passion for the hospitality industry and curiosity about food cultures around the world. Chef Matthew’s culinary journey has seen him gain a wealth of knowledge working across five continents that has taken him to various cities in Canada, United Arab Emirates, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, China and Egypt, honing his craft at some of the best restaurants and luxury hotels around the globe. 

Chef Matthew's first encounter with China began in November 2018 when he joined the pre-opening team of The Ritz-Carlton, Xi'an as the Executive Chef. In his role, Chef Matthew was responsible for the implementation of the hotel’s food and beverage concepts. During this time, he demonstrated exceptional leadership skills and innovative culinary concepts, earning recognition and acclaim from the hotel's leadership team and the industry in general. Subsequently, he transferred internally to Zhuhai, where he served as the Culinary Director for The St. Regis Zhuhai and Sheraton Zhuhai Hotel. This role provided him with an in-depth understanding of the culinary expectations of guests and insights into the diverse cuisines of the different regions of China.

Chef Matthew is joining Grand Hyatt Shenzhen from Cairo, Egypt where he held the position of Executive Chef at the InterContinental Cairo Semiramis. "I am honored to be a part of Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, and I am grateful for the warm welcome from the Hyatt family. I look forward to working with this exceptional team and striving to create unforgettable experiences for our guests!" Chef Matthew said.

Regarding Matthew's new appointment, Mr. Richard Li, Area Vice President, Greater China, of Hyatt hotels & Resorts and General Manager of Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, stated, "Throughout the year of 2023, Grand Hyatt Shenzhen is striving to undergo a transformation from “excellence” to “excellence par excellence.” I believe Matthew's inclusion will accelerate this transformation. I look forward to him leading our professional kitchen team, injecting fresh inspiration and vitality into our hotel's dining services."


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