

发表于 2023-8-30 18:24:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Joerg Zobel先生

瑰丽酒店集团于今日宣布任命Joerg Zobel为首席营运总裁,领导这一全球尊尚生活方式和酒店管理公司的营运发展。对Joerg的任命正值瑰丽发展的关键时刻,其团队将继续不懈努力,秉持集团的成长战略,实现其宏伟愿景。

Joerg是一名拥有超过25年全球经验的卓越高管。曾带领“面向消费者的公司”实现持续增长,确立行业地位。他将负责瑰丽酒店集团旗下包括瑰丽酒店、新世界酒店及度假村、 Asaya及Carlyle & Co.四个品牌的运营,同时负责推进商业取得成功以及确保公司卓越的运营,并领导这两大功能部门的整个团队。Joerg将于2023年9月25日于瑰丽酒店集团中国香港总部就职,并向集团首席行政总裁郑志雯女士直接汇报。
在领导全球化公司沿自身轨迹成长、品牌定位,及价值创建方面,Joerg均拥有非常丰富的经验。作为公司领导、董事会成员和投资者,他在欧洲和亚太等不同地区都拥有过出色业绩。加入瑰丽之前,他是欧洲大型眼镜集团Eschenbach Optik GmbH公司的首席执行官及董事会主席。在此之前,他曾担任彪马亚太区总经理,为品牌在该区域取得商业成功立下了汗马功劳。Joerg同时也是一位出版作家,其撰写内容包括从“行业颠覆”到“追求幸福”的不同主题。凭借对消费者生命周期的深刻理解,Joerg将领导集团的零售和电子商务团队。他的专业经验将对进一步发展壮大瑰丽生活方式品牌生态圈起到至关重要的作用。此外,瑰丽酒店集团将继续专注于全方位打造具有前瞻性思维、以客户为中心的宾客体验;Joerg也将负责指导瑰丽酒店全球客户关系管理与宾客体验团队。



悦榕集团于今年三月正式任命蒋柳清女士(Annie Jiang)担任珠海横琴悦椿酒店总经理一职, 全面负责酒店运营及战略发展工作。蒋柳清女士拥有超过22年的酒店工作经验,也曾在其他国际连锁酒店品牌旗下的酒店担任重要的职位,其中包括万豪、喜来登等,在整体运营方面拥有卓越的领导力和丰富的酒店管理经验。

蒋柳清女士加入悦榕集团已 14 年,此前于珠海凤凰湾悦椿酒店、澳门悦榕庄及三亚悦榕庄任职。非常熟悉悦榕及悦椿的品牌标准并在运营中充分融汇悦榕文化。富有战略思维并善于在市场竞争中充分发挥酒店的优势以赢得更多的市场份额;特别擅长为不同需求的客户群体创造别具一格的宾客体验及活动,并通过有效的市场营销手段进行推广。极具服务提升能力以及品质管理和成本管控能力;领导力及沟通能力出众,知人善用且擅长激励团队、激发灵感,团队彰显活力与创意。


Banyan Tree Group has officially announced the appointment of Ms. Annie Jiang as General Manager of Angsana Zhuhai Hengqin in March this year. Ms. Jiang will be responsible for the hotel's comprehensive operation, management, and strategic development. She is a veteran with over 22 years of experience in the hospitality industry. Throughout her career, she has worked with different international hotel brands, such as Marriott, Sheraton, and etc., which has afforded her extensive experience in hotel operations and outstanding leadership skills.

Ms. Annie Jiang has joined Banyan Tree Group for more than 14 years, and previously worked at Angsana Zhuhai Phoenix Bay, Banyan Tree Macau and Banyan Tree Sanya. She is familiar with the brand standards of Banyan Tree and Angsana, and fully integrated with Banyan Tree culture in daily operations. Strong skills on marketing and business management, great strategic thinking and planning. Giving full play to the hotel’s advantages to win greater market performance in the competitive market. Especially by creating a variety of unique guest experiences and activities based on different market segment, and create awareness by promote those through effective market channels. Excellent service enhancing ability, operational quality assurance and good at balancing the cost and service. Great leadership and communication skills, particularly at motivating and inspiring people, the team demonstrates vitality and creativity.

Set amidst 62,000 sqm of private lush greenery and tranquil atmosphere, Angsana Zhuhai Hengqin is a truly urban oasis lies on the south side of Zhuhai, easy access to Hong Kong and Macau, just a door away from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Industrial Park of Co-operation between Guangdong and Macao where oriental wellness and nature come together.  Embodying the brand management concept, Ms. Annie Jiang is going to lead the entire hotel associates, integrate the spirit of exploration into the wellbeing experience, combining local natural, cultural and industrial characteristics to create a unique and thrilling wellness travel experience for guests.


近日,梁志辉先生(Vincent Leung)被任命为西安高新JW万豪酒店总经理,他将全面负责酒店筹备及开业后的战略发展和运营管理工作。

Recently, Mr. Vincent Leung has been appointed as General Manager of JW Marriott Hotel Xi’an Southwest. He will have leadership responsibility for overall operations and management.
He has more than 23 years of experience in Marriott Group. He has prepared JW Marriott Hotel Yinchuan and JW Marriott Hotel Taiyuan as General Manager, and lead the team to achieve impressive performance.
Given Vincent’s extensive knowledge and results-oriented work attitude, we strongly believe he will deliver impressive achievements to JW Marriott Hotel Xi’an Southwest with hotel team, to provide the guests mindful experience to let them balance mind, body and spirit.



Marriott International recently announced the appointment of Ms. Nicole Hong as the General Manager of The Westin Zhongshan Guzhen who will take the responsibility of overall management and business strategic execution.
Ms. Nicole Hong has deeply cultivated in Marriott International for years and served as an important position for multiple international brands like JW Marriott, The Renaissance, Courtyard in Beijing, Chongqing, Zhejiang and Shenzhen. With a broad vision, a sharp market insight, excellent managing and leadership skills, every team she has ever led has achieved many remarkable performances.
Extremely versed in the managing culture of Marriott International, Ms. Nicole Hong adheres to put people first in administration. She values the importance of teamwork, pay attention to employees' feelings and creativities. We are convinced that the revenue and guest service quality of The Westin Zhongshan Guzhen will be significantly enhanced under her leadership.
Ms. Nicole Hong enjoys music, yoga, travelling and studying in daily life and her vitality is highly matched with The Westin brand. Ms. Nicole Hong will drive the management team to enhance brand influence, strive for an unrivaled journey for each guest in The Westin Zhongshan Guzhen and lead her new team to great success.


Marcel Sawyer先生

近日,万豪国际集团正式任命Marcel Sawyer先生为郑州建业艾美酒店总经理。
作为一名资深酒店/度假村总经理人,Sawyer先生拥有 18 年以结果为导向的创新管理经验。在市场营销、餐饮及客房方面Sawyer先生均有丰富的管理经验,且对细节有敏锐的洞察力。
Recently, Marriott International appointed Mr. Marcel Sawyer as the General Manager of Le Méridien Zhengzhou. In his new role, Mr. Sawyer will be responsible for the overall management of Le Méridien Zhengzhou, leveraging his extensive management experience and outstanding leadership skills.
As a seasoned hotel/resort general manager, Mr. Sawyer boasts 18 years of innovative and results-oriented management experience. He possesses extensive operational proficiency in sales and marketing, food and beverage, housekeeping, and a keen eye for detail.
By joining Le Méridien Zhengzhou, Mr. Sawyer brings an innovative vision to embark on a new journey in Zhengzhou. We are confident that he will lead by example and uphold Le Méridien's core values of "Chic, Cultured, and Discovery". He will assume the role of a stylish leader, driving steady growth for the hotel while collaborating with the team to create "Surprise Encounters" for our guests."




凌洁女士拥有28年的酒店管理经验,相继服务于凯莱、洲际等国际酒店品牌。她于 2004 年加入大连凯宾斯基饭店担任财务副总监,并于 2010年晋升为财务总监。在此期间,她被凯宾斯基酒店管理集团选派到瑞士日内瓦参加总部的培训,以及德国柏林的阿德隆凯宾斯基酒店进行交流学习。自此之后,逐步承担起更多运营职责,也因她卓越的管理和领导能力,于 2015 1 月被任命为酒店副总经理。
Recently, Kempinski Group has officially appointed Ms. Amy Ling as General Manager of Kempinski Hotel Dalian, fully responsible for the overall operation, management and strategic development of the hotel.
With more than 28 years of hospitality experience, Amy has served in different international brand hotels, including Gloria Hotels & Resorts and IHG etc. She joined Kempinski Hotel Dalian in 2004 as Assistant Director of Finance, being later promoted as Director of Finance in 2010. Amy proved herself by taking additional responsibilities in operations, which led to her appointment as Deputy General Manager in 2015. She has been assigned to study at the Kempinski headquarters in Geneva and the Hotel Adelon Kempinski Berlin.
Amy is an experienced hotelier with a strong background not only in financial management but also in the day-to-day operations of the hotel. With almost 20 years' experience at Kempinski Hotel Dalian, Amy has a thorough understanding of both the Kempinski culture and local market. We strongly believe that she will lead the team to deliver impressive achievement in the future.



Recently, Le Méridien Zhengzhou has officially appointed Mr. Hua Baoheng as Hotel Manager of Le Méridien Zhengzhou. In this new position, he will be responsible for the overall operation of Le Méridien Zhengzhou.
Mr. Hua has more than 23 years of hotel management experience and is familiar with the operational standards, processes and procedures of various hotel departments, as well as the systematic hotel positioning and pricing system, and has experience in managing large banquets. Mr. Hua has served Marriott, Wanda, Banyan Tree, Intercontinental, etc. and has experience in preparing for the opening of many hotels.
We are confident that Mr. Hua will be able to leverage his many years of experience in branded hotel operations and management to give full play to his leadership and lead the hotel to achieve even better and more outstanding results.


近日,厦门禹洲温德姆至尊豪廷大酒店正式任命蓝保琴女士(Fiona Lan)为酒店经理一职,全面负责酒店运营部门的管理工作并协助总经理处理酒店日常事务。蓝保琴女士拥有20年以上的酒店管理经验,曾在雅高集团、万达酒店及度假村集团担任高级管理职位。履新之前,蓝保琴女士任职于万达酒店及度假村集团餐饮区域负责人,万达奢华旗舰店武汉万达瑞华酒店行政助理经理一职,在餐饮、酒店会籍销售、工程及大销售领域取得了优异的成绩;其卓越的战略性思维、敏锐的市场洞察力,尤其是在酒店餐饮及销售方面更是有独到的见解及创新力,致力根据市场和客户需求,打造卓尔不群的产品,为客户创造难以忘怀的体验。在酒店行业受疫情冲击巨大的过去三年间,凭借其精准的市场策略和出色的领导力,帮助酒店收益日益剧增,超额完成年度预算目标,不仅经营业绩连创历史新高,也帮助酒店在武汉酒店市场稳居榜首,在集团名列前茅。蓝保琴女士是闽南人,此次回到家乡,她将以其专业的管理经验,与充满活力的团队共同努力,为宾客提供发自内心的个性化服务,打造别具一格的入住体验。
Recently, Wyndham Grand Plaza Royale Yuzhou Xiamen Hotel officially appointed Ms. Fiona Lan as the hotel manager, responsible for the overall management of the hotel operations department and assist the General Manager in handling the daily affairs of the hotel. Fiona has more than 20 years of experience in hotel management, having held senior management positions at Accor and Wanda Hotels & Resorts. Prior to her appointment, Fiona served as Regional Head of F&B for Wanda Hotels & Resorts Group and Assistant Executive Manager of Wanda Reign Wuhan, Wanda's luxury flagship store, where she achieved outstanding achievements in the areas of F&B, hotel membership sales, engineering and general sales. Her excellent strategic thinking, keen market insight, especially in the hotel catering and sales is a unique insight and innovation, committed to market and customer needs, to create outstanding products for customers to create unforgettable experience. In the past three years, when the hotel industry was greatly affected by the epidemic, with its precise marketing strategy and excellent leadership, it helped the hotel's revenue increase, exceeded the annual budget target, and not only hit a record high in business performance, but also helped the hotel to rank first in the hotel market in Wuhan, ranking among the best in the group. Fiona is a native of Hokkien. When she returns to her hometown, she will work with her professional management experience and dynamic team to provide guests with personalized services and create a unique stay experience.


朱晓雯(Ms.Vivianne Zhu)女士被正式任命为上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店市场销售总监,她将全面负责酒店市场营销、战略发展与品牌创新工作。朱晓雯女士拥有丰富的奢华品牌管理经验,曾加入古驰中国担任区域大客户管理工作,并拥有新加坡及美国的海外工作经验。

深圳大中华希尔顿酒店正式任命王妍斐 (Teresa Wang)女士为酒店运营总监。
In Aug 2023, Hilton Shenzhen Futian officially appointed Ms. Teresa Wang as the Director of Operation.
With her positive attitude she has brought a much needed focused leadership to the F&B team. Teresa is an experienced hospitality executive with passion to serve, driven by the ability to plan, lead and manage efficiency and professionally. As a committed leader she communicates well and is able to motivate her team to achieve service goals and objectives. She is focused & results-oriented.
With more than two decades of experience in hotel companies like Hilton, Starwood & Marriott, Accor in the Food and Beverage, Teresa has worked her way up from being a F&B Hostess to Director of Operation. She has worked in various first tier cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hunan, Shenzhen and Taipei in China.
In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, travelling and snowboarding. Teresa will lead the team to keep improving service and operations, as well as to deliver Hilton hospitality to the customers.  



近日,海南清水湾威珀斯酒店正式任命但维先生(Mr. David Dan)为行政助理经理一职,全面负责酒店市场策划管理工作并协助总经理处理酒店日常事物。




近日,深圳大中华希尔顿酒店正式任命李焱先生(Ryan Li)出任兰亭潮中餐行政总厨一职,全面负责酒店中餐厨房的运营工作。

Recently, Mr. Ryan Li has been appointed as Chinese Executive Chef of Hilton Shenzhen Futian, fully in charge of Chinese Kitchen operations for the hotel.
Chef Li comes from Maoming, Guangdong, brings with him over 20 years of culinary experience in Cantonese cuisines. He pursues to present the essence of food from ingredient, innovation, cooking, skills & taste. You could follow his gourmet journey in various cities like Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Wuhan, Sanya, etc. Meanwhile, His cooking experience of Cantonese cuisines and his responsible working attitude make him an acclaimed one. Chef Li has been employed by up-scale brand hotels under Hilton, Marriott, IHG, Wyndham previously.
Chef Li studies under the guidance of Mr. Huanghe, founder of GeeKitchen. He keeps improving cooking skills constantly, pursuing details of food quality, generating better understanding of the essence of ingredients, adopting modern cooking techniques to make innovative Cantonese cuisine extraordinary, and using culinary skills to reflect the value of ingredients. He has been awarded Hainan Area Champion in Hilton F&B Masters Competition. Chef Li will lead our culinary team to deliver high quality Cantonese cuisines and to bring our diners a pleasant dining experience with creativity and sincerity.


近日,厦门朗豪酒店正式任命郭建浩先生(Aaron Guo)为酒店的中餐行政总厨;他将全面负责酒店中厨房团队的运营工作。
Langham Place Xiamen is pleased to announce the recent appointment of Mr. Aaron Guo as the Ming Court Chinese Restaurant’s Master Chef. He will be fully in charge of the operations of the hotel's Chinese culinary department.
Chef Aaron comes from Guangzhou, one of the eight great cuisines city in China. He has dedicated to the hotel industry for nearly 30 years and gained rich exquisite Cantonese culinary experience. Prior to joining Langham Place Xiamen, Chef Aaron has worked for numerous luxury hotel brands such as Langham Hospitality Group, Hilton Hotels Group. During his Langham Hospitality Group career, he won the "Langham Hospitality Group Best Creative Award" of Chinese Cooking Star Competition, he has rich and exquisite Cantonese cooking experience.
Adhering to the brand and tradition of Ming Court in Hong Kong, Langham Place Xiamen's "Ming Court" continue focuses on new and innovative Cantonese cuisine, redefining classic flavors by retaining traditional essences with local flavors. Chef Aaron has a high demand on the ingredients used and ways of cooking following the “Ming Court” concept. With his great passion for culinary, will thrilled to share his experience with team and create excellent dining experience for guests.
We believe that with Chef Aaron’s appointment, he will bring new vitality to Ming Court Xiamen and lead the hotel’s Chinese culinary team to create a new dining benchmark for the Xiamen market.



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