
碳负雄心 | CWT与达美航空签署可持续航空燃料SAF合作协议,兑现绿色环保承诺

发表于 2021-7-1 05:20:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

近日,以倡导B2B4E(面向企业 · 服务员工)新生态差旅服务理念的知名差旅品牌CWT宣布已与达美航空签署可持续航空燃料协议。根据协议,CWT已从达美航空购入足够量的有助于去碳化的可持续航空燃料(Sustainable Aviation Fuel,简称SAF),以此抵消CWT所服务企业差旅员工在6月5日世界环境日所产生的碳足迹,进而兑现绿色环保承诺。

“坐而言,不如起而行。我们很高兴在这样一个创新的公共倡议中,能与达美航空能够在更广泛的领域达成深度合作,进而负责任地履行了我们的商业承诺。”CWT首席商务官Patrick Andersen先生表示。



达美航空全球销售执行副总裁Steve Sear先生表示:“我们与CWT的最新伙伴关系是有力的可持续发展的伙伴关系,将推动行业向更环保的未来发展, 这些伙伴关系增强了旅游行业内的共识,即积极主动地寻找解决方案,处理旅行所产生的碳足迹。”


CWT是一家B2B4E(面向企业 · 服务员工)差旅管理平台企业。我们为企业和政府机构提供支持,帮助他们的员工摆脱地域限制,随时随地保持联系,我们还为其员工提供创新的技术,打造高效、安全和有保障的差旅体验。我们为商务差旅人士提供贴心服务,每天安排的预订规模可住满超过100,000间酒店客房,会议和活动部门则每24小时要处理100多项活动。

▋ 达美航空



CWT partners with Delta on a sustainable aviation fuel agreement to mark World Environment Day

CWT, the Business-to-Business-for-Employees (B2B4E) travel management platform, today announces its partnership with Delta Air Lines on an agreement to purchase enough sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) to cover the projected fuel usage from all of CWT's travelers on Delta on 5 June, World Environment Day.

"Actions speak louder than words, and we are delighted to further cement both our wide-reaching partnership with Delta and our commitment to responsible business, in such an innovative and public initiative." said Patrick Andersen, CWT's Chief Commercial Officer.

The agreement underscores CWT's commitment to environmental stewardship, a core part of its strategy, culture and consulting activities as a U.N Global Compact signatory since 2012.

The agreement is part of Delta's Flight to Net Zero initiative that encompasses the company's industry-leading global carbon neutral goal. It also represents new initiatives, products and standards that will advance clean air travel and accelerate the reduction of carbon emissions.

"Our strong sustainability partnership with CWT helps to drive the industry forward to a more environmentally-sound future," said Steve Sear, Delta's Executive Vice President of Global Sales, "and underscores a conceptual alignment within the travel industry to proactively find solutions for the carbon footprint created by travel."


CWT is a Business-to-Business-for-Employees (B2B4E) travel management platform. Companies and governments rely on us to keep their people connected – anywhere, anytime, anyhow – and across six continents, we provide their employees with innovative technology and an efficient, safe and secure travel experience. Every single day, we look after enough travelers to fill more than 100,000 hotel rooms, while our meetings and events division handles more than 100 events every 24 hours.

▋ Delta Air Lines

Delta Air Lines recognizes its role in growing empathy, respect and care for the planet and the people within it. From being the first and only U.S. airline to voluntarily cap greenhouse gas emissions at 2012 levels to last year’s commitment to be the first carbon-neutral airline globally, Delta has a longstanding commitment to sustainable air travel.

Delta was the No. 1 airline named among America’s Most Sustainable Companies by Barron’s in 2020, the only U.S. airline included in the 2021 S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook and has received the Vision for America Award by Keep America Beautiful and Captain Planet Foundation's Superhero Corporate Award. Delta has also earned a spot on the FTSE4Good Index for six consecutive years and the Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index for ten consecutive years. 




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