

发表于 2020-7-21 16:42:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式








a 300 sq. meterballroom can consume more energy than five 180 sq. meter homes

  酒店有客人入住的标房的平均耗水量是每间有客房消耗水 94 /天。

the averageconsumption of water in a quest room is 94 liters a day per occupied room

  每位用餐者将会消耗厨房 56 升的水。

the kitchen canconsume over 56 liters of water per food cover

  洗衣房的标准耗水量是:每间有客人入住的客房消耗 113 升水。

a laundry consumesan average of 113 liters of water per occ room

  一般情况下,客房和走廊所消耗的能源占到酒店总能耗的 20%~25%.

the quest roomsand quest corridors only consume 20 - 25% of the total energy used in the average hotel

  使用楼宇系统监控酒店公共区域和会议室的温控器每年可节电 5%以上。

programming yourBMS to monitor public area and meeting room thermostats could reduce annualelectricity cost up to


  厨房中燃气炉灶的热效率只有 55%,而电磁炉有 90%

the efficiency ofGas burners in the kitchen is only 55% compared to Induction equipment 90%

  使用电磁炉加热 1 升水需要 3.1 分钟,而用电热炉需要7 分钟。

heating up 1 literof water will take only 3.1 min if heated on a Induction plate, and 7 min ifheated on a Electric hot plate


installing motiondetectors you can save energy consumption and cost

  湿度变化 5%相当于温度调整 3 C

improving relativehumidity by a slight 5% is the same as a 3 degree temperature adjustment

  餐饮部的能源消耗占全酒店能源消耗的 35%~40%

the combinedenergy consumption in all food and beverage related areas is between 35 to 40%of the total hotel energy


  在星盆上安装 6 /分钟的节水装置可以节水。

installing 6liter/min aerators in the sinks can save water

  卤素灯耗电 10 瓦,换成 LED 灯,仅耗电 3 瓦。

there arereplacement LED lights for your Halogen lamps which consumes only 3 wattcompared to 10 watt

  如果将空间的温度降低 1 C,空调的能源消耗将提高8%

if the space isunder cooled by 1 degree Celsius, cooling energy will be wasted as high as upto 8

  解冻零下 18 C 2 公斤冻肉需要 20 升的水,解冻 5 C 2 公斤冻肉需要 5 升的水。

time to thaw 2 kg frozen meat at -18 degree Celsiusis almost the same with running water at 0.5 liters/min versus 20 liters/min.

  一个漏水的龙头每年的浪费 10000 升水。

a leaking faucetcan waste water up to10,000 liters per year.

  如果水洗机和烘干机是按额定负载工作,能源和水可省 15%以上。

if the washer anddryer are loaded as per their rated capacity, energy and water for laundry canbe saved as high as up to


  T5 型日光灯和节能灯可以省电 80%

T5 fluorescent andCFL can save the lighting energy up to 80%.

  良好的操作可以帮你节能、节水 2%以上。

your good workingpractice can help saving of energy and water up to 2%.

  节能灯消耗的电量只是白织灯的 25%~30%,且寿命延长 10 倍多。

compactfluorescent light bulbs use only 25 - 30 of the energy a comparableincandescent bulb and last 10 times longer?

  倒入排水沟的热水消耗了总能源的 85%~90%,你能否用冷水来替代?

85 - 90% of theenergy used to heat hot water is dumped down the drain? Can you clean it withcold water ?

  客房内用开关窗帘的方法也能节能,更多信息将在 6 月的 15 分钟培训中获得。

you can saveenergy by opening and closing the drapes in the rooms? Learn all about itduring June 15 min training .



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