
Virus—Anna的英文小客栈 第五期

发表于 2020-5-11 23:29:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



Anna小客栈    第五期

本期金句 :

it matters not what someone is born , 

but what  they grow to be.




Anna's English House

Elementary ‐ The Office ‐ Virus! (C0007)

A: Oh great! This stupid computer froze again! Thats the third time today! Hey Samuel, can you come take a look at my PC?

 Its acting up again. It must have a virus or something.

B: Just give me a second;  I'll be right up.

B: I ran a virus scan on your computer, 

and it turns out that you have a lot of infected files!

A: But I'm quite careful when I'm browsing the internet, I have no idea how I could have picked up a virus.

B: Well, you have to make sure that your anti-virus software is updated regularly; yours wasn’t up to date, that’s probably what was causing your problems.

A: Ok. Anything else?

B: Yeah, try not to kick or hit the computer!

A: Um yeah,  Sorry about that.

Useful phrases

1. virus:   A program that is designed to harm or damage your computer.

2. froze:  Your computer is stop to working. Your applications,your programs is stop to working,you can't do anything.

3. infected file:  A file in your computer but has virus in it. 被感染的文件

4. not up to date:  It doesn't have all the most recent information. 没更新数据

5. I'll be right up/ out/ down/ there. 我马上就来/我马上出来/我马上下来/我马上就过来

6. It turns out that I am pregnant. 结果我怀孕了

7. It's acting up again.又发作了,又出毛病了

Example sentence

 up to date

1. A: I need to buy a new computer, because mine isn’t up to date. 

2.  I can’t find this street. Are you sure this map is up to date? 

3   Sarah has just finished the report and all the information is up to date. 

I’ll be right up. 

 Now, we can use this phrase in a lot of  different situations, so, let’s look at the   examples. 

1. A: Can you help me with my computer? 

    B: I’ll be right there. 

2.C: Come downstairs. Dinner is ready. 

   D: I’ll be right down! 

3. E: Hurry up! I need to use the bathroom! 

    F:  I’ll be right out! 

It turns out that

1. “Frank didn’t come to work today and it turns out that he was sick”. 

2. B: Oh, I’ve been feeling really sick recently and it…” 

   M: Why? 

   B: “It turns out that I’m pregnant”. 

   M: Oh, my God! Are you really pregnant? 

   B: No, I’m not, Marco, 

    I’m just kidding.


A: 哎 太糟糕了! 这台该死的电脑又死机了!今天这是第三次了!

嘿,塞缪尔, 你能过来看看我的电脑吗?又出问题肯定是有病毒或者其他问题 。

B: 好,等我一下; 马上就来。

B: 我在你的电脑上做了病毒扫描,结果里面有很多病毒文件!



A: 好的。还有其他问题吗?

B: 没有了,只是尽量不要打电脑!



译文:Anna Yang

◆ Road Trip
◆ Cut In Line

◆ Hotel Upgrade

◆ Difficult Customer

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