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Carnival Cruise Line is an international cruise line with headquarters in Doral, Florida. It is a subsidiary of Carnival Corporation & plc. Its logo is the funnel like the funnels found on its ships, with red, white, and blue colors. The funnels are shaped like a whale's tail. Carnival is ranked first on the list of largest cruise lines based on passengers carried annually and total number of ships in fleet.
Carnival is one of ten cruise lines owned by the world's largest cruise ship operator, the American-British Carnival Corporation & plc. In 2018 Carnival Cruise Line was estimated to hold an 8.9% share of cruise industry revenue and 22.0% of passengers. It has 26 vessels and is the largest fleet in the Carnival group. The ships fly flags of convenience: 18 of the ships fly the Panama flag, six that of the Bahamas and two that of Malta. Its headquarters are in Miami, Florida, United States. The North American division of Carnival Corporation has executive control over the corporation and is headquartered in Doral, Florida.
嘉年华宣传:Fun is a Choice


Carnival Brand Essence

|1970s: Early years


Carnival Cruise Lines commenced sailings from Miami with their first ship the Mardi Gras in 1972, a former transatlantic liner purchased from Canadian Pacific Line. Carnival would adapt and evolve the green Canadian Pacific livery for their new logo, changing the colors to red,white and blue as seen today.
Mardi Gras in 1972

In 1975 acquired another former Canadian Pacific Line ship, renaming it the Carnivale. The success of the two ships led to the acquisition of their third ship in 1978, the TSS Festivale, another former ocean liner. With the success of the three ships, Carnival decided to build new ships to be able to compete with the rival Miami cruise lines.
1975年嘉年华邮轮购买了另一艘加拿大太平洋公司(Canadian Pacific Line)的船舶,将其改名为Carnivale。这两艘船的成功促使他们于1978年获得了第三艘船,即另一艘前远洋客轮TSS Festivale。随着三艘船的成功,嘉年华决定建造新船,以便与迈阿密的邮轮公司竞争。
|1980s: First new build ships
In 1982 Carnival introduced their first purpose built ship, the Tropicale. This was the first ship where the iconic winged funnel was introduced, designed by Joe Farcus, who would become a longtime Carnival Cruise Line design collaborator, which has since been used on all ships in the fleet.
1982年,嘉年华推出了他们建造的第一艘邮轮Tropicale号。这是由乔·法库斯(Joe Farcus)引入设计的标志性机翼漏斗的第一艘船,乔·法库斯也成为了嘉年华邮轮公司的长期合作的设计师,此后这一设计在船队的所有船上得以沿用。
|1985 :built Holiday
Following the success of the Tropicale, and increased competition in Miami with newer ships, Carnival ordered the Holiday in 1985, followed by the Jubilee in 1986.
|1990s: Fleet expansion
Fantasy-Class ship | Fantasy级邮轮
Beginning in 1990, Carnival introduced the popular Fantasy-Class, beginning with the Fantasy, and completed with the eighth in the class Paradise in 1998. When completed, the Fantasy was one of the largest ships at the time and had the largest atrium at sea.
1990年,嘉年华推出了广受欢迎的“Fantasy”级邮轮,到1998年建成了系列船的第八艘Paradise号。Fantasy号是当时最大的邮轮之一,拥有海上最大的中庭 。

Carnival Destiny | 嘉年华Destiny级邮轮
In 1996, the new Destiny-class was introduced, with the Carnival Destiny. At 101,000 GT , it became the largest passenger ship in the world at the time and first to exceed 100,000 tons. 
1996年,随着“嘉年华命运”号(Carnival Destiny)的推出,新的邮轮级别命运级(Destiny-class)应运而生。十万总吨的大小使其成为当时世界上最大的邮轮,也是第一艘超过十万总吨的邮轮。
In 1998 the seventh ship in the fantasy-class, the Elation, was the first cruise ship to have the innovative azipod propulsion, now used on most new cruise ships today. 

Spirit-Class | Spirit级
In 2001, the new panamax size Spirit-Class debuted with the Carnival Spirit, the first of the four ship class within the Carnival fleet.
2001年,全新的panamax型尺寸的“Spirit”级邮轮Carnival Spirit号首次亮相,Carnival Spirit是嘉年华Spirit级四艘船中的第一艘。

In October 2002, Carnival acquired P&O Princess Cruises for 3.5 billion euro.
2002年10月,嘉年华以35亿欧元的价格收购了P&O Princess Cruises。
In 2001, Carnival transferred their first new build, the 1982 built Tropicale to Costa Cruises. 
2001年,嘉年华将其当年建造的第一艘船,即1982年建造的Tropicale号移交给了Costa Cruises。
In 2004, Carnival Corporation initiated a development program for Carnival's new ships, the Pinnacle Project, calling for a 200,000 GT prototype, which would have been the world's largest cruise ship at the time. The ship was cancelled, but they then developed a project called Next Generation.
2004年,嘉年华公司启动了一项开发计划——“顶峰计划”(Pinnacle Project),要求建造一艘20万总吨级的原型船,这将是当时世界上最大的邮轮。这艘船被取消了,但他们后来开发了一个名为“下一代”的项目。
In 2009, Carnival released their biggest ship at the time, the Carnival Dream, a new 128,000 GT ship. Carnival Dream entered service on 21 September 2009. After several voyages in the Mediterranean, she was set to offer weekly Caribbean cruises from Port Canaveral from December 5, 2009. A sister ship, Carnival Magic, debuted on May 1, 2011. On December 1, 2009 it was announced that Carnival had placed an order for a third Dream-class vessel. It entered service in June 2012 and its homeport is now Galveston. On May 10, 2010, Carnival selected a name for their new Dream-class vessel in 2012 - Carnival Breeze.

2010s | 2010年至今
On October 26, 2012, it was announced that Carnival had ordered a new 133,500 GT ship. This ship, built by Fincantieri, was the largest ship they have ever built. The new ship was named Carnival Vista, and sailed her maiden voyage on May 1, 2016 from Trieste, Italy.
Carnival Vista

In January 2017, Michael Thamm was appointed CEO of Carnival Asia to oversee operations in China and the surrounding region.
2017年1月,Michael Thamm被任命为嘉年华亚洲公司首席执行官,负责在中国及周边地区的运营。
A sister to Carnival Vista, Carnival Horizon, joined the fleet with her inaugural voyage from Barcelona, Spain on April 2, 2018. Queen Latifah is the ship's godmother, and christened her May 23, 2018.
Carnival Horizon的命名仪式













第100期:新船预览——神秘邮轮 世界领航者号

第99期:新船预览——荷美邮轮 新鹿特丹号

第98期:新船预览——维珍 英勇女士号



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