近日,万豪国际集团正式任命沙剑锋(Mr. Martin Sha)先生为厦门万丽酒店总经理,他将全面负责酒店的整体管理与运营工作。沙剑锋先生毕业于香港理工大学酒店管理硕士专业,于1998年在厦门马可孛罗东方大酒店开启了他的职业生涯,先后在洲际集团、万豪国际集团旗下不同品牌担任要职,足迹遍布澳门、深圳、广州、成都、厦门等,至今已拥有逾20年的行业经验。履新前,沙剑锋先生在厦门百琪万怡酒店担任总经理一职,全面负责该酒店的筹备开业、日常运营及战略管理。沙剑锋先生思维缜密、注重细节,不仅在洞悉市场变化与决策上体现出了卓越的市场经验,更专注对每一个细节的把控,精益求精。沙剑锋先生表示:“能够加入厦门万丽酒店,我倍感荣幸。我希望能够带领酒店全体领航员为全球旅客打造丰富精彩的万丽品牌体验,并将通过品牌标志性的‘万丽领航员’为宾客开启一段专属的探索之旅,帮助他们揭秘本地周边社区的隐秘精粹,收获旅行中的意外之喜。”MarriottInternational has appointed Mr. Martin Sha as General Manager of RenaissanceXiamen Hotel, effectively from November 20th, 2020. He will be fully in chargeof the hotel entire strategic operation and management.Mr. Martin Shagraduated with a master’s degree in hospitality administration management fromHong Kong Polytechnic University. Being a professional hotelier with over 20years of hospitality experience. Mr. Martin Sha started his career from MarcoPolo Xiamen in 1998, has served for Marriott International, and IHG Hotels,footprints cover Macau, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Xiamen etc. His mostrecent role was General Manager of Courtyard Xiamen and was responsible for thehotel overall operation and strategic management during pre-opening period andafter hotel opening.“I am honored to be joiningthe Renaissance Xiamen Hotel. I will lead our navigators to make it an idealplace for guests to explore this destination like a local, with engaging brandprogramming and Navigators who handpick experiences that cannot be found in aguidebook." said Martin Sha.
近日,洲际酒店集团任命朱凌女士就任厦门海沧融信华邑酒店总经理一职,全面负责酒店的运营和管理工作。朱凌女士拥有二十多年的酒店从业经历,曾任职于洲际集团、香格里拉集团和凯宾斯基集团旗下多个国际品牌酒店。多年丰富的国际品牌酒店管理经验,朱凌女士在市场战略、收益管理及酒店运营等方面展现出非凡的领导力和洞察力,以及对酒店行业独到的见解。在加入厦门海沧融信华邑酒店之前,朱凌女士任深圳龙岗皇冠假日酒店总经理一职。作为酒店管理团队的掌门人,朱凌女士以敏锐的市场洞察力、创新的经营理念,将酒店重新定位为深圳城市中心的一站式家庭度假目的地,开创了深圳国际品牌商务酒店里首家多功能亲子餐厅和乐园。作为海口华彩华邑开业团队的市场负责人,朱凌女士带领团队将华邑品牌成功落地海口,酒店成为社会精英的聚集之地。在厦门海沧融信华邑酒店新的职业旅途中,朱凌女士将以对华邑品牌的深刻理解,敏锐超前的战略思维,带领酒店团队成员诠释中华待客之道的艺术。Recently, IHG ispleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Diana Zhu as the General Manager ofHUALUXE Xiamen Haicang. She will oversee the hotel’s overall operation andmanagement.Ms. Zhu’shospitality career spans more than 20 years with assignments as a managementrole in the international hotel brands of IHG, Shangri-La and Kempinski. Duringthese periods, she have achieved impressive achievements in her work. Her soliddiversified experience has endowed herself prominent leadership skills, insightand unique views of hospitality industry.Prior to joiningHUALUXE Xiamen Haicang, Ms. Zhu was general Manager of Crowne Plaza ShenzhenLonggang City Centre. As the head of the hotel management team, Ms. Zhurepositioned the hotel as one-stop family vacation destination, and make it asthe first international brand hotel with multifunctional parent-childrestaurants and children paradise in Shenzhen.Meanwhile, Ms.Zhu is one of the opening team of Haikou HUALUXE and be responsible for hotelMarketing. Leading the team to successfully bring HUALUXE into life gatheringplace of social elites. In the new career journey of HUALUXE Xiamen Haicang, Ms.Zhu will lead the interpreting the art of Chinese hospitality with her deepunderstanding of the HUALUXE brand keen and advanced strategic thinking.
近日,希尔顿集团宣布任命胡安先生(Andy Hu)为长沙世茂滨江希尔顿酒店总经理,全面负责酒店的筹备运营及战略发展。胡安先生拥有23年的酒店职业生涯以及2年的在线旅行分销经验,他在酒店运营和销售方面具有非常丰富的工作经验。胡安先生在加入希尔顿集团之前,在很多不同的国际酒店品牌工作过,包括喜来登,威斯汀,豪华精选,瑞吉等等。胡安先生一直也深耕长沙本地市场,我们相信凭借他丰富的运营管理和筹备经验,敏锐的市场洞察力以及好客理念,定能带领团队成功开业长沙第一家希尔顿品牌酒店,为酒店创造佳绩。Recently, Hiltonannounce Andy Hu is appointed as General Manager of Hilton Changsha Riverside.Andy has 23years of working experience in hospitality industry and 2 years workingexperience of Online Travel Agents industry. He brings with him strong hotelOperations and Commercial knowledge.He has worked onmany of International brands before joining Hilton, including Sheraton, Westin,Luxury Collection and St. Regis. He has leant and gained abundant pre-openingknowledge and operations skills that will surely make our first property inChangsha a great success. Andy’s extensive experience and market knowledgemakes him uniquely suited to balance Hilton’s responsibilities to our owners,team members and guests.
近日,杭州君悦酒店任命吴楠(Stephanie Wu)女士为餐饮总监。来自山东的Stephanie专心攻读酒店管理学科,2011年毕业于英国萨里大学。十逾年的酒店工作经历丰富了她在酒店餐饮管理与营运方面的娴熟技能。Stephanie先后加入伦敦凯悦丘吉尔酒店,杭州四季酒店,北京华尔道夫酒店担任餐饮部管理岗位。在回归凯悦集团前,Stephanie于北京CBD核心地标性酒店-北京国贸大酒店担任餐饮部副总监一职长达三年,负责管理酒店所有餐厅及宴会服务。带着对酒店业一如既往的执着与热情,Stephanie将结合其扎实的餐饮理论知识以及海外凯悦酒店管理的工作经验,携领杭州君悦酒店餐饮团队展开更闪耀的篇章。
曹一舟先生近日正式被任命为佛山新城保利洲际酒店行政总厨。他于2005年在法国开启职业生涯,逾16年从业经验,足迹遍布法国、北京、深圳和广州等地,曾服务多家国际酒店品牌高档餐厅和米其林二星级餐厅,其中包括广州文华东方酒店、佛山罗浮宫索菲特酒店、广州粤海喜来登酒店等。此次履新之前,他就职于北京王府井文华东方酒店并担任开业行政副总厨。他注重对烹饪技艺的精进与创新,致力于将当地优质食材的风味发挥得淋漓尽致,为客人创造独树一帜的用餐体验。行政总厨曹一舟先生在地中海美食烹饪上颇有造诣,尤其是法餐,在创造卓越宾客服务和出色用餐展演方面极具优势。今后,他将全面负责佛山新城保利洲际酒店四家风格迥异的餐厅和宴会餐饮的运营与管理工作。“欢迎一舟加入我们的团队。凭借他资深丰富的从业经验和专业技能,我相信他将赋能我们酒店的餐饮团队,将宾客餐飨体验提升到一个前所未有的高度”,佛山新城保利洲际酒店总经理弗睿德(Fredy Pascal)如是说,“我们会不遗余力地创造超越宾客预期的用餐体验,俘获傲居于世界美食之都顺德的挑剔老饕。”Recently, YizhouCao was appointed as Executive Chef of InterContinental Foshan New City. Yizhoubegan his culinary career in France, 2005 and has worked in various fine-diningestablishments and 2-star MICHELIN restaurant in Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou,including Mandarin Oriental Guangzhou, Sofitel Foshan, Sheraton Guangzhou etc.Prior to thisappointment, he was the opening Executive sous Chef of Mandarin OrientalWangfujing Beijing. He focuses on the improvement and innovation of cookingtechniques and integrates local ingredients to create an unforgettable diningexperience for guests.Chef Yizhou hasextensive culinary experience in Mediterranean cuisine, especially Frenchcuisine, with strengths in customer service and dining presentation.In his new role,Yizhou oversees the entire culinary offerings of the four restaurants andbanquet operations of InterContinental Foshan New City.“I would like to welcomeYizhou to our team. With his profound experience and expertise, I am sure hewill help bring our hotel’s culinary excellence to a new height. Our hotelstrives to become the gourmets’ delight in Shunde that is famous for its people’s exceptional taste ondelicious cuisine,” said Fredy Pascal, General Manager of InterContinentalFoshan New City.
北京新世界酒店委任陈峰先生为酒店行政总厨,负责酒店全日制自助餐厅,中餐厅,酒吧及宴会餐饮的运营。陈先生来自中国,致力于酒店餐饮行业已有17余年,拥有丰富的东南亚及北方菜品烹调及厨房管理经验。加入北京新世界酒店之前,陈峰先生曾担任三亚保利瑰丽酒店的行政副总厨。在此之前,陈先生曾先后任职于多家国际五星级品牌酒店,分别于瑰丽酒店集团、万豪酒店集团与香格里拉酒店集团旗下品牌连锁酒店任职,积累了宝贵的后厨运营及团队管理经验。凭借丰富的专业经验及行业背景,陈先生将带领他的团队为宾客带来全新的餐饮体验。King Chen hasbeen appointed executive chef of New World Beijing, overseeing the culinaryoperations of two restaurants and bars and catering of all hotel meetings andfunctions. Born in China, Chef Chen has devoted himself to internationalhospitality food and beverage for more than 17 years and master in SoutheastAsian Cuisine and North China Cuisine.Prior to joiningNew World Beijing, Chef Chen held the position of executive sous chef at Rosewood Sanya. Previously, he worked withseveral other international five-star hotel brands, like Rosewood hotel group,Marriott hotel group and Shangri-la hotel group. Chef Chen has developedextensive experience in the management and operations of culinary teams. Withhis great passion for food and cooking, Chef Chen is thrilled to share hisextensive experience with the culinary team through strong leadership andexcellent dining experience for guests.
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