

发表于 2021-7-30 15:31:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

地中海航运集团旗下地中海邮轮宣布将与意大利芬坎蒂尼造船厂(Fincantieri)及欧洲天然气和能源基础设施运营商 Snam公司共同合作,建造一艘氢动力远洋邮轮,该邮轮可能成为世界首艘氢动力远洋邮轮。三家公司表示,绿色氢具有巨大的潜力,无论是使用纯氢气还是用氢衍生燃料,都将推动邮轮业及整个航运业的脱碳运营。

地中海邮轮执行主席皮尔弗朗西斯科·瓦戈(Pierfrancesco Vago)表示:“当前,氢燃料的生产水平仍然很低,远未大规模供应。” “通过这个项目,我们将率先将这项有前途的技术引入我们的船队及整个航运业,同时向市场印证我们对环境保护的坚定承诺。随着项目的进展,我们将推动氢燃料运用过程中相关海事技术的发展,刺激能源供应商进一步增加产能,同时引起政府和公共部门的关注,为氢燃料的开发提供必要支持,这对航运及邮轮业都具有至关重要的作用。”


“在占全球二氧化碳排放约3%的航运业以及其他碳排放重点行业中,氢燃料的使用是实现零排放目标的关键推动因素,”Snam公司首席执行官马可·阿尔维拉(Marco Alverà)表示,“我们三方的合作为未来更广泛的战略合作奠定了基础,我们将充分利用Snam公司在绿色气体和能源效率领域的专业技术及经验,助力包括港口和物流在内的重要经济体——航运产业迈向脱碳运营。”





Fincantieri, MSC, and Snam to Develop Hydrogen-Powered Cruise Ship


Fincantieri is joining with one of its customers, the cruise division of MSC Group, and European gas and energy infrastructure company Snam to explore the potential for possibly the world’s first hydrogen-powered cruise ship. The companies said that they believe green hydrogen holds great potential to contribute to the decarbonization of the shipping industry, including cruising, whether in its pure form or as a hydrogen-derived fuel and they would seek to define the steps required for the adoption of the fuel.

“Today production levels remain low and hydrogen fuel is still far from being available at scale,” said Pierfrancesco Vago, Executive Chairman of the Cruise Division of MSC Group. “With this project, we’re taking the lead to bring this promising technology to our fleet and the industry while sending the strongest possible signal to the market about how seriously we take our environmental commitments. As we advance with the development of the maritime technology required, we will also see that energy providers take note and ramp up production to unlock this and that governments and the public sector step in to provide the necessary support.”

During the next 12 months, the three companies will study key factors related to the development of ocean-going hydrogen-powered cruise ships. This includes arranging ship spaces to accommodate H2 technologies and fuel cells, technical parameters of onboard systems, calculating the potential greenhouse gas emissions savings, and a technical and economic analysis of hydrogen supply and infrastructure. The aim is to bring attention to the need for the take up of hydrogen fuel in shipping to achieve decarbonization and attract public and private investments to make this possible at scale.

“Hydrogen could be a key enabler in achieving the target of net-zero emissions in shipping, accounting for approximately 3 percent of global CO2 emissions, as well as in all the hard to abate sectors,” said Marco Alverà, Snam’s CEO. “This agreement is part of a wider strategy to leverage on our experience, competencies, and technologies in green gases and energy efficiency in order to contribute to the full decarbonization of the shipping value chain, including ports and logistics, which will be increasingly crucial in our economies.”

Initially, the companies plan to carry out a study that will assess the feasibility of designing and building the world’s first ocean-going cruise ship powered by hydrogen. They also plan to explore the development of the related hydrogen bunkering infrastructure.

The Cruise Division of MSC Group said that as a company it is committed to achieving net carbon neutral operations by 2050. To accomplish this objective, the company is working in partnership with a wide range of shipyards, suppliers, manufacturers, and other organizations as well as investing in different upcoming technologies and solutions for its fleet.

In addition to having its first LNG-fueled cruise ship now under construction, MSC at the beginning of this year announced its participation in another hydrogen fuel project. The program, which is receiving funding from the EU Horizon 2020 program to accelerate innovation, including tests on a hydrogen-powered ship engine on a cruise ship.


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编辑 | 黄青   审定 | 李炎秋    排版 | 王亚楠






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