V 生活 | V 空间
酒店,不仅仅只是出差度假的住所, 它是城市中的减压空间. 放松的环境, 贴心的服务 给予我们与自己在一起的时光.
秋日周日的早晨, 树叶未落, 阳光依然温暖, 带着一丝秋天的味道, 我们一起做一场秋日冥想.
Hotel is not just a room for business trip or vacation, it's Zen space in the city.
Relaxing enviornment with intimate service,
Providing us the time being with ourselves, Autumn Sunday Morning,
while the leaves are still on trees,
the sunshine is still warm, feeling the autumn is coming,
Let's medicate. ♀️