
酒店项目 | 日赛谷丽思卡尔顿隐世酒店,将于2023年第二季度于四川九寨沟启幕

发表于 2023-1-12 17:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Ritz-Carlton Reserve has recently announced the opening of Rissai Valley, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve in Q2 2023, marking the Reserve brand’s arrival in China. WATG is honored to be the architect and designer of this legacy project.


Since its inception in 2009, Ritz-Carlton Reserve has been renowned for its secluded hideaways around the globe. As the world's sixth Ritz-Carlton Reserve hotel, Rissai Valley, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve will open in Jiuzhaigou, China and join a highly curated portfolio of the brand’s properties in Krabi, Thailand; Dorado Beach, Puerto Rico; Ubud, Bali; Los Cabos, Mexico; and Niseko Village, Japan. Each Ritz-Carlton Reserve property bears a unique name. The name of the resort, Rissai Valley, comes from the Tibetan word for "village", and is a graceful link to the original meaning of Jiuzhaigou, or "nine villages" in Chinese. Today, Jiuzhaigou refers to "The Ravine of Nine Villages" – the ancient Tibetan and Qiang villages that lie along the valley.

作为日赛谷丽思卡尔顿隐世酒店的建筑设计方,WATG不辱使命,用设计精准诠释出“丽思卡尔顿隐世”精神。九寨沟自然保护区素有“人间仙境”美誉,终年呈现如诗如画般的迷人景致。这里有五彩斑斓的湖泊、层层叠叠的瀑布和白雪皑皑的山峰,也是大约 140 种野生鸟类的栖息之所,并先后于1992年被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产,1997年成为世界生物圈保护区。受当地丰富多彩的自然和文化的启发,WATG在设计中运用了传统西藏建筑的形式,87 栋豪华别墅沿着崎岖山坡而建,同时布局多个公共观景台,营造出无与伦比的景观和私密感。同时,特别注重使用本地材料以及本土植物,以向当地的藏羌传统致敬。

As the designer of Rissai Valley, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve, WATG has successfully and accurately interpreted the spirit of “Ritz-Carlton Reserve” through its design. The area is surrounded by natural beauty that goes beyond words. With its pristine jewel-colored lakes, cascading waterfalls, and snow-capped peaks, this mystical destination is also a sanctuary for around 140 species of wild birds, and was inscribed as both a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992 and a World Biosphere Reserve in 1997. Inspired by the diverse nature and culture of the local area, WATG adopted the form of traditional Tibetan architecture in the design. The 87 luxury villas are built along the rugged hillside with multiple public viewing platforms arranged to offer unrivaled scenery and privacy. As an homage to the local Tibetan and Qiang traditions, special attention has also been paid to the use of local materials and native plants.

丽思卡尔顿酒店自二十世纪初在美国诞生之日起,就不断为酒店业输入崭新的奢华理念。而WATG作为全球首屈一指的酒店设计事务所,也见证了丽思卡尔顿品牌的全面绽放和不断发展。从丽思卡尔顿品牌的鼻祖、首间丽思卡尔顿度假村——拉古那尼克(Laguna Niguel),到全球知名的旅游度假胜地佛罗里达州、夏威夷、加勒比海、巴厘岛等地,WATG规划设计了十多家丽思卡尔顿酒店和度假村。

Since its establishment in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century, Ritz-Carlton has continuously introduced new luxury concepts into the hospitality industry. As the world's leading hotel design firm, WATG has also witnessed the full bloom and continuous development of the Ritz-Carlton brand. From Laguna Niguel, the very first Ritz-Carlton resort in the world, to those located in internationally-renowned tourist destinations such as Florida, Hawaii, the Caribbean and Bali, WATG has planned and designed over a dozen Ritz-Carlton hotels and resorts.


There is also a close collaboration between WATG and Ritz-Carlton in China. The Ritz-Carlton hotels designed by WATG and opened in China are mainly located in the central business district of the city, including Beijing China Central Place, Guangzhou Zhujiang New Town, and the Xi'an High-tech Business District. Additionally, the Ritz-Carlton Jinmao, located in Yalong Bay, Sanya, is the brand’s first resort in China. The soon-to-launch Rissai Valley, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve will undoubtedly become a new milestone in the cooperation between the two companies and will certainly promote the development of private resort experiences in China.


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