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万豪国际集团宣布,毛怡冰女士被任命为万豪国际集团大中华区总裁,将常驻上海办公室,并向集团总裁兼首席执行官Anthony Capuano汇报。
“我很高兴看到怡冰重返万豪国际集团,并在集团业务发展速度最快的市场之一---大中华区市场,担任总裁一职。”Capuano先生表示:“怡冰在集团任职期间,曾领导团队在亚洲市场建立了强大的企业影响力,并与该市场的业主、公司内部核心部门以及外部关键业务伙伴建立了坚实的合作关系。她正是我们所需要的领导者,并将带领团队为万豪国际集团在大中华区市场开启全新的发展篇章。”毛女士是北京人,于1996年加入万豪国际集团。她曾是公司亚太区高级管理团队的成员之一,在2020年卸任前一直担任亚太区高级副总裁兼首席法律顾问的职务。任职期间,她管理着亚洲市场七个地区办公室的法律团队,这些法律团队负责亚洲市场700多家酒店的业务;与此同时,毛女士还积极参与到开发、运营、资产管理、业主关系、特许经营权关系等多方面工作之中。在加入万豪国际之前,毛女士曾在美国和中国香港先后就职于几家英美律师事务所,其中包括McGuireWoods LLP、Slaughter and May和Milbank LLP。毛女士拥有吉林大学的法学学士学位,并毕业于北京大学法学硕士研究生班。而后她前往美国进修学业,并获得了杜克大学法学院的法学博士学位。凯悦酒店集团任命大中华区商务副总裁 黄勤辉先生
中国作为凯悦全球业务发展的重要市场之一,黄勤辉先生致力深化和发展与业主、客户及合作伙伴的长期合作关系,并通过整合传统营销与数字化科技手段积极推动业务的持续增长。 黄勤辉先生服务凯悦30余年,不仅熟稔中国市场的业务发展和运营模式,在其他亚太市场也积累了深厚的运营与市拓经验。他曾先后担任凯悦酒店集团亚太区销售副总裁、亚太区销售运营和收益副总裁,以及区域市场销售部的多个管理职位及酒店总经理等要职,擅长分销渠道管理、战略部署及执行,并推动销售及收益管理团队的协同合作。黄勤辉先生毕业于瑞士理诺士酒店管理学院,同时还获得澳大利亚麦得里大学的市场管理硕士学位。As Vice President Commercial of Greater China, Frederick Wong is accountable for driving performance and preference for the market and overseeing sales, marketing, digital and loyalty to ensure all activities are coordinated in support of all our hotels in the region.With China being one of the most important growth markets for Hyatt, Frederick is committed to developing and deepening long-term relationships with owners, clients and partners, and promoting stable business growth with technology-enabled services.Having been with Hyatt for over 30 years, Frederick is knowledgeable about the business development and operations model in the Chinese market and has rich sales and operations experience in other Asia Pacific markets. Prior to his current position, Frederick served as Vice President Sales, Revenue and Distribution Asia Pacific. He has also served as Vice President Sales Operations and Revenue Asia Pacific and held leadership positions within the Regional Sales and Marketing team as well as being a General Manager. He specializes in distribution channel management, strategy creation and execution as well as creating a sales and revenue management culture within the company.Frederick graduated from “Les Roches” Hotel Management School in Switzerland and holds a master’s degree in International Marketing from Macquarie University in Australia. 杰瑞米. 德丰贝尔先生
环球酒店集团 -- 丽世酒店管理集团(The Lux Collective)宣布擢升杰瑞米. 德丰贝尔(Jeremie de Fombelle)为集团首席营销官。丽世一直将培养和发展内部人才为其愿景之一,此次任命强调了集团对发掘和委任团队出色人才的许诺。
杰瑞米来自法国,是一位充满激情的酒店业经理人。他拥有法国巴黎法律大学(University of Law of Paris)以及巴黎瓦特尔国际商学院(Vatel International Business School)的双学位,并于后期就读了美国康奈尔大学(Cornell University)的管理课程。拥有逾20年的豪华酒店管理和运营经验,杰瑞米的目标是提升丽世酒店管理集团的市场定位,大力关注集团品牌在全球各渠道知名度提升的战略,同时赋予团队更强大的权力。丽世酒店管理集团首席执行官保罗.琼斯(Paul Jones)说:"杰瑞米在多家酒店创造了斐然的成绩,并在管理豪华酒店、品牌发展以及酒店和餐厅开业方面取获得了巨大的成功。我们相信在他的领导下,丽世将进一步成为领先的世界级酒店集团。"Global hospitality group The Lux Collective announces the appointment of Jeremie de Fombelle as Chief Sales and Marketing Officer. In line with its vision of developing talents from within, this promotion emphasised the Group’s commitment to identify and take the best out of its people.
A passionate hotelier, Jeremie hails from France where he graduated from the Vatel International Business School (Paris) after attending the University of Law of Paris (France) and graduate programmes at Cornell University (GMP, PDP - USA).With over two decades of leadership and operational experience in luxury hospitality management, Jeremie aims to elevate the Group’s positioning of The Lux Collective by focusing strongly on awareness-driving strategies for its portfolio of brands globally across channels, while empowering people.Paul Jones, Chief Executive Officer of The Lux Collective said, “Jeremie has proven track record across multi-properties and success in managing luxury lifestyle hotels, brand development, as well as hotel and restaurant openings. We are confident that under his leadership, The Lux Collective will emerge further as a leading world-class hospitality group.”
希尔顿集团正式任命周敏先生(Michael Zhou)为深圳及周边区域总经理一职,并同时兼任深圳蛇口希尔顿南海酒店总经理。
周敏先生拥有超过30年的国际高端品牌酒店管理经验,其中在希尔顿集团服务超过21年,是一位拥有着11年总经理及6年区域总经理任职经验的资深行业领导者。 自2001年加入希尔顿集团以来,足迹遍布马来西亚吉隆坡、北京、上海、重庆、广州等地。在过去的履职中,周敏先生充分发挥了卓越的领导力,在诸多项目中创造了不凡的业绩。同时,他十分注重人才的培养和发展。在过去的几年里,周敏先生在希尔顿集团内部的总经理发展项目中也发挥了重要作用,并积极参与了各项希尔顿集团发展计划。作为一位对行业充满热情,对希尔顿品牌运营管理拥有丰富经验的总经理,周敏先生将在新的起点-深圳,与希尔顿一起继续蓬勃发展,他表示:“ 我十分荣幸有机会带领深圳及周边区域的团队成员,秉持着不断开拓创新的精神,将富有品牌特色的产品呈现给国内外旅行者,进一步传承及发扬希尔顿的待客之道。”Hilton Hotels and Resorts has announced the appointment of Michael Zhou as Area General Manager for Greater Shenzhen Area China South and General Manager for Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai.Michael has over 30 years’ experience in hospitality industry, having worked with Hilton for over 21 years including 11 years as General Manager, and 6 of those years as an Area General Manager. Since joining Hilton in 2001, Michael has worked in Kuala Lumpur, Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing and Guangzhou.During the past of years, Michael has built up a solid track record delivered strong commercial results. He is also heavily invested in Human capital and development. Michael has played a major part in many General Managers development in Hilton Group over the past few years and is actively involved with the development programs within Hilton Group.Michael is passionate for the hospitality industry, he is excited to continue the thrive with Hilton and start a new career in Shenzhen, “I’m honored with the opportunity to lead the team in Greater Shenzhen Area and committed to bring the innovative products and offering combined with Hilton Hospitality to both domestic and international travelers” quotes Michael.三亚保利瑰丽酒店任命董事总经理 钮则雄先生
钮则雄先生(Jeremy Niu)正式出任三亚保利瑰丽酒店董事总经理,负责管理瑰丽酒店集团进驻中国大陆的首家度假酒店。
钮则雄先生曾在北美及亚太地区的万豪集团及凯悦集团品牌酒店出任要职,有逾22年的奢华品牌酒店工作经验及丰富的运营管理经验,在加入三亚保利瑰丽酒店之前,2021年钮则雄先生于瑰丽酒店集团旗舰店-香港瑰丽酒店担任酒店经理职位,并于2022年带领团队筹备并推动琅勃拉邦瑰丽酒店盛装重启。作为得克萨斯州人,钮则雄先生毕业于著名的休斯顿大学希尔顿酒店与餐厅管理学院,且拥有中欧国际工商学院工商管理硕士学位。凭借自身丰富的管理经验和专业知识,钮则雄先生将带领团队呈现“身临其境”的款客之道,为宾客精心打造别具一格的瑰丽体验,传递瑰丽品牌与众不同、历久常新、文化深厚、稳重精密的品牌个性。钮则雄先生表示“非常高兴能够加入三亚保利瑰丽酒店,三亚是一个发展潜力巨大且竞争非常激烈的市场,我也非常期待能够与我的同事通力协作,致力于更进一步推进三亚保利瑰丽酒店的创新和发展。”Jeremy has been appointed Managing Director of Rosewood Sanya, managing the ultra-luxury island resort property in Hainan, China.Jeremy has more than 22 years of global hospitality experience with Marriott and Hyatt Hotels Corporation in North America and Asia-Pacific. He has held multiple leadership positions throughout Greater China in technical services and operations, opening and operating luxury properties around the region. Jeremy began his journey with Rosewood in 2021, previously Hotel Manager at Rosewood’s flagship in Hong Kong and also led the re-opening of the brand’s jungle resort in Luang Prabang in 2022.A Texas native, Jeremy holds an executive MBA from China Europe International Business School and a bachelor of science from the University of Houston – Conrad N. Hilton College of Hotel & Restaurant Management. Jeremy will be working closely with all Rosewood Sanya members in driving and implementing exciting goals and priorities. He will lead the Rosewood Sanya team in creating timeless hospitality with refined modern elegance, strengthening Rosewood’s brand personality – Distinctive, Timeless, Cultured, and Sophisticated with his extensive experience in the luxury hotel sector.“I feel incredibly honored to be joining the Rosewood Sanya team. Sanya is an incredibly competitive market where I look forward to working with the team in continuing on the growth and innovation as we strengthen our culture and achieve new heights.”
北京三里屯通盈中心洲际酒店任命总经理 朱春辉先生
朱春辉先生,于1998年投身于酒店餐饮部,从此开启酒店职业生涯。他曾在多家万豪酒店(Marriott hotel)和卓美亚酒店(Jumeriah)担任餐饮总监,在苏州W担任酒店经理,他凭借丰富的国内外奢华酒店的管理经验,后出任厦门W酒店筹开总经理及青岛瑞吉酒店总经理,丰富的酒店筹开、运营及品牌升级等全面多元的管理经验,在加入北京三里屯通盈中心洲际酒店他作为特派总经理成功筹开洲际酒店集团旗下的第一家苏州金普顿酒店。在长达25年奢华酒店的管理生涯中,塑造了朱春辉先生卓越的战略性思维、敏锐的市场洞察力、出色的领导才能和优秀的沟通能力, 尤其在酒店筹开、运营管理、市场开拓方面有着深入的思考和独到的见解。我们相信,朱春辉先生的加入,将为本地酒店市场注入新的活力。期待北京三里屯通盈中心洲际酒店运营管理团队在朱春辉先生带领下,积极迎接新的机遇与挑战,共同续写下一个光辉篇章。酒店以先锋前卫的设计傲居于京城最具魅力的生活娱乐核心区 - 三里屯,是时尚旅居和社交品阶达人的理想之选。酒店四度蝉联福布斯五星奖项,拥有299间精致舒适的客房及套房,设有米其林及黑珍珠载誉餐厅 - 恰牛扒房,凭借其摩登现代设计的客房及套房,创新前卫的美食理念,完美地平衡了旅行者的商务及休闲生活。Recently, Mr. Eddy Zhu was appointed as the General Manager of InterContinental Beijing Sanlitun.Eddy started his career in the Food & Beverage department since 1998, he had worked at Jumeriah hotels and several Marriott hotels as Director of F&B before taking up the position as Hotel Manager at W Suzhou. With extensive international hotel management experience, Eddy held the position of pre-opening General Manager of W Xiamen and after joined St.Regis Qingdao. Prior to joining InterContinental Beijing Sanlitun, he was a task force General Manager in the successful opening of IHG first Kimpton in Suzhou.During his 25-year-long hospitality career, with a strong luxury brand background, Mr. Eddy Zhu remains a passionate leader who is creative and takes the initiative to lead the team to success, continuing his contribution in building our reputation as a landmark luxury hotel.InterContinental Beijing Sanlitun, a truly international brand with the latest and most fashionable design, is conveniently located in the most stylish entertainment district in Beijing, with easy access to famous leisure and scenic spots, making it ideal for travelers and social connectors with an aspirational lifestyle. The hotel boasts 299 beautifully designed rooms with 5-star Forbes accolades for four consecutive years and complemented with Michelin Star CHAR Bar & Grill, a Black Pearl restaurant. Thanks to its modern designed rooms and innovative food concept, the hotel perfectly balances the travelers’ business and leisure life.贵阳凯宾斯基大酒店任命总经理 葛浩德先生
贵阳凯宾斯基大酒店迎来新任总经理Gerhard Ludwig Doll葛浩德先生,作为一位在国际品牌酒店行业有着丰富经验的职业经理人,自2023年2月起,葛浩德先生将全面负责酒店的运营和管理工作。
葛浩德先生来自德国,拥有超过32年的酒店工作经验,曾先后就职于文华东方、半岛、丽思卡尔顿等奢华品牌,足迹遍布首尔、芝加哥、曼谷、东京、马尼拉、雅加达、香港、澳门、上海等城市。在酒店营销、收益分析、市场战略、餐饮领域等板块独具见解。在他辉煌的职业生涯中,葛浩德先生担任过各种运营和管理职位,为所任职的酒店带来了丰富的知识和全球化视野。葛浩德先生将凭借自己的专业酒店管理知识和非凡出众的个人领导魅力,并将继续秉承凯宾斯基的品牌承诺,带领团队致力于为每位宾客呈现愉悦的体验、精心缔造完美表现。将用实力赢得更好的市场口碑,迎接更辉煌的战绩。It gives us great pleasure to announce the appointment of Mr Gerhard Ludwig Doll as General Manager of Kempinski Hotel Guiyang. As a seasoned hospitality veteran with decades of experience and special expertise in international hotels, Mr Gerhard will be fully responsible for the management of the hotel, with effect from February 2023.
A German national, Mr Gerhard has a hospitality career that spans over 32 years with assignments in a management role with the hotel brands Mandarin Oriental, Peninsula and Ritz-Carlton in Seoul, Chicago, Bangkok, Tokyo, Manila, Jakarta, Hong Kong, Macao and Shanghai, among others. He has gained keen insights and a rich professional knowledge in several fields, including Sales and Marketing, Revenue, Finance and Food and Beverage.Throughout his illustrious career, Mr Gerhard has held a variety of operational and management positions, and he brought a wealth of extensive knowledge and global experience to these hotels he worked at.With his professional hotel management knowledge, and outstanding personal leadership and charm, he will continue delivering the Kempinski brand promise, leading the team to dedicate themselves to crafting memorable experiences for our guests, to build on our excellent market reputation and drive more brilliant achievements.
武汉襄投万豪酒店任命总经理 陈文峰先生
万豪国际酒店管理集团自 2023 年 2 月 20 日起,正式任命陈文峰(Steven Chen) 先生作为武汉襄投万豪酒店总经理,全面负责酒店的筹建、运营和管理工作。
陈文峰先生来自中国广东,精通粤语,国语,英语等多元化语言交流,拥有长达 22 年以上的专业酒店运营经验,对酒店市场发展趋势有着精准独到的见解。曾先后从业于万豪集团、温德姆集团、洲际集团等多家国际酒店集团。早年的财务生涯,成就了他严谨、高效且极富创新的思维广度,在酒店营收的表现上有着翘楚业绩。陈文峰先生在加入武汉襄投万豪酒店之前担任武汉光谷万豪酒店总经理一职,凭借对酒店行业的全局眼光和开放性思维,在2021年间通过卓越的领导力为酒店创造了超额完成预算的傲人成就。并且在2022年市场低迷期努力寻找机会,以深刻的洞察力及宏观视野推陈出新引领市场风向。与此同时,他不断为团队传递信心,维护每位团队成员的内驱力,为极具挑战的2022年抢占了颇大市场份额。陈文峰先生表示:“武汉酒店业发展迅速,我的目标是带领整个团队一起探索创新,打造豪华酒店的新标杆,占据市场上的领先地位,开拓更广阔的市场,把万豪酒店品牌推向新的高度。” 他将凭借自己的专业酒店管理知识和非凡出众的个人领导魅力,带领团队用实力赢得更好的市场口碑,创造出更加辉煌的战绩。此次新履,陈文峰先生必将带领武汉襄投万豪酒店团队打造武昌新地标,为宾客带来更多非凡服务,拥有更广阔的未来,为酒店业再创新辉煌。It gives us great pleasure to announce the appointment of Mr. Steven Chen as General Manager of the hotel, The Wuhan Marriott Hotel Wuchang, with effective from February 20th, 2023. He will be fully in charge of the hotel ’ s pre-opening, operations and management.Mr. Steven is proficient in Cantonese, Mandarin, English and other diversified language communication. He has been working in the hospitality industry over 22 years such as Marriott International, Wyndham Hotels and IHG Hotels & Resorts. And has precise insights into the development trend of the hotel market. His early career in finance and accounting has cultivated his rigorous, efficient and innovative thinking breadth, leading in the performance of hotel revenue. Prior to joining Wuhan Marriott Hotel Wuchang, Mr. Steven was the General Manager of Wuhan Marriott Hotel Optics Valley. With his global vision and open mind in the hotel industry, he has made great achievements in exceeding the budget through his outstanding leadership in 2021. He set the market direction with deep insight and macro vision. At the same time, he instilled confidence to the team and maintain the drive of each team member, bringing a successful end to a challenging year of 2022. Mr. Steven has a keen eye for hotel strategy and decisive execution. “Wuhan hotel industry is developing rapidly. My goal is to lead the whole team to explore innovation and create a new benchmark for hotels. We want to occupy a leading position in the market, open up a broader market, and take the Marriott brand to new heights. And we are going to support Wuhan Marriott Hotel Wuchang to achieve guest satisfaction and commercial success.” Steven says of his new role. With his professional hotel management knowledge and outstanding personal leadership charm, he will lead the team to have an auspicious start and establish the hotel as a new landmark in Wuhan City.
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